WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

When I saw them live ~12 years ago, they had a bit referring to it as “moving pitchers,” barmaids with steins.

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Technically it’s several still pictures being shown to us in rapid succession to trick our brains into thinking it’s animated.

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it’s literally a grid of millions of colored lights changing 30-100 times a second :eyes:

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Which is, ultimately, all powered by lightning that we generated by burning dead dinosaurs.

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be back in a bit.

There’s also hot rocks, falling water, and sunlight that can make lightning.

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i leave to go to a psychiatrist appointment and this happens. whatever it is? something happened.

I don’t know, I went to have lunch and then this happened.

lunch eaten.

well i guess youll have to work that out with her.

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Lunch has been eaten, but the soup is endless and remains.

In that my mom makes homemade soup and makes an absurd amount of it so she always gives me some and the next 3-4 days are nothing but soup.

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eating more of sabethas lunch, my eating is endless. my hunger endless.
omg i actually want that soup irl.

Chicken nuggets for lunch

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chicken nuggets.

on another note i got gus these non chocolate peanut butter cups.

I actually had nacho fries from Taco Bell

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thats…better. nacho fries can be good if spicy. I guess if you like it.
these spicy cajun peanuts so good.

You like nuts.

Nuts good.

Spicy nuts.
:peanuts: :fire:


gonna probably go take a nap soon. maybe.

At noon, lol?

Edit - I just remembered it’s later where you are than here, lol.