WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

the wrong side of the tracks

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We’re trying to make MORE Draenei, not less! Stop poaching the endangered species!

request DENIED!

I feel like my herb/ore farming is getting less and less profitable while the price of a wow token has gone up a fair bit since they start selling that stupid mount.

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Probably, raid is over, no need for mats much anymore. Personally I get a good chunk from farming Dragon Isles. Takes a fraction of the time to dig up dirt in Ringing Deeps for about as much.

Like 500-1000 gold if you’re lucky in under 30. long as RNG is on your side you can make a good 1/4th of a token cost in 24 hours.

RAID JUST getting started.

I still made about 3500g in 30 minutes from what I did, but that used to be closer to 10k and a WoW token is up to ~280k where it used to be 200k.

So farming 1 token for my subscription went from like 7-10 hours to 30-40 hours.

Between that and the fact that I haven’t been playing the game as much, I suspect it’ll be time for a break soon enough.

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Breaking by hangin with my chooms in Night City, flatlining gangoons and corpo suits.

(edit, was suppose to be a reply to Sabetha’s post)

honestly its a mixture of many things, action houses being linked to many servers, bots selling/reselling, ppl undercutting folks by 1silver to sell there stuff first, and so on.


I wizh i was in school they still got time off.


You will be an adult Draenei and you will like it.

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I wish for a lot of things.

And so will the rest of us XD.

Woah there I never agreed to liking this whole “adulting” thing.

Though I am about to settle in for a night of playing some Tony Hawk Pro Skater, which is… not really all that different from what I’d do as a kid a lot of the time.


Everyone wants to be a kid.


If the cosmos is taking wish requests, I’d prefer to be a young adult.


Actually, I’m fine with being an adult, I just wish I was a more accomplished and financially successful adult…

I like being able to roll up to a traffic stop and say: “Why yes officer I am drinking and driving and this IS my Coke.” holds up a Coca Cola bottle


im thinking about starting a Jag division for the scarlet crusade


I’m fine with being an adult, but I wouldn’t mind being 10-15 years younger.