Why does that sound fun for everyone but me?
Panda Remix dk went from 62 to 70 in under an hour just flying around The Waking Shores.
Where am I
South of Albequrque
Looks down at you smothered by a posh Draenei posterior “Hello sir! Welcome to the Waggle lounge! I see you already found your own designated waggle!”
Talked to gobs on zeppelin on my alt no way to get there.
You people can be so silly.
Is it possible to get in on this?
Pick a goat, any goat!
I dunno, my standards are high.
Not just any space goat will do…
Did you pick up the quest from the NPC in the portal room?
That’s how I got all of my alts out there; Picked up the quest and took the zeppelin.
Always remember that you should take the left turn at Albuquerque.
I have been assaulted
I pulled a Bugs Bunny.
has an arrow in his knee “Yeah well…welcome to the club pal!”
It is apparently never assault when a Draenei does something to you with their butt.
In all fairness, in my case it was just a marital rumpus romp… also Draenei are an endangered species.
Citation required.
They were hunted to near extinction by the Legion, Manari are also on the endangered species list, we are attempting captive breeding programs, would you like to do your part?
We did not account for how much they would enjoy repopulating…
I very much doubt an Orc is even allowed to look at that sign up sheet.
/Finds claim dubious