WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

by totems request:


Sorry, I’ll be at the next beach over with the blood elves.

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The next beach over is occupied

And not exactly a safe place to be at the moment

The green, green orcs of home?

listen, we don’t need to compare horn sizes herne. besides, you have antlers, not horns.

what’s the difference? i dunno. but there is one. :laughing:

unrelated, i just got a green marsh hopper mount! that i earned myself! did’nt buy a token or nothin, just played the auction house! :smiley:

Yes, your camel riding adventure awaits… :dromedary_camel: :camel:

Great, now I have obnoxious Geico commercials humping through my brain.


blood elf shaman is level 78.

blood elf what now?

Well, I was planning on riding something else but why not.


blood elf shaman.

The volleyball ball team has just informed me that there will be no riding of any kind.


a picture of a man with the words " is it possible to learn this power " below him


cant summon the willpower to level my shaman to 80.


But we are all cheering for Totemgoat…


It is from Woden, another name for Odin.

Like Thursday is Thor’s.


Our calender is so weird. The days of the weeks randomly have some Norse gods. Our months are a mix of numbers, with our 12th month of the year having the prefix for “10”, and month names based on Romans (July and August) and all sorts of insanity.

And yet it was all put together from two guys, either greg, or ian. Can’t figure out which.

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There are historical reasons for it all and like most things with too many cooks you end up with a mystifying hodge podge that makes no sense without the context.

But it boiled down to it made sense at the time, then someone else fixed things, repeat.

Edit: Though January from Janus still makes sense, I guess.

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My understanding is that our calendar was designed not unlike how our currency systems were.

Somebody came up with an idea, figured out it caused a ton of problems, then somebody else tried to fix it.

Repeat that about 17 times throughout history until the thing becomes an amalgamation of all the different ideas used.