WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

it’s a good theme. that’s not the terran theme i like best, but that’s a good one. reminds me of the snes games i played as a kid… good times.

still preffer the zerg theme though. i loved playing their first mission as a kid, even though i had no idea what i was doing, but i beat it through sheer mucking-about with the units, making them evolve into literally everything they could evolve into.

sidenote: all this music stuff has been nice. making fishing go by a little better. though my luck is still crap… i got 18 fish i want, and 79 fish i don’t.

Also good

Woops, not WoW.

“Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods and it was empty”

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Strengthening my urge to replay Mass Effect, I’ll post up this:

Also I like how YouTube puts up a warning, presumably because it just flagged one word in the track’s title.

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What’s mad is if you look up Suicide is Painless, the song from MASH, which is LITERALLY ABOUT SUICIDE, there’s no message about suicide.



hot take. mass effect 2’s ending boss was subpar.

hot take: i think neverwinter nights was bioware’s best game. mass effect 2 was a close second.

Mass Effect has never been about the boss fights :dracthyr_shrug:

Well, not exactly true.

The refrain is Suicide is painless, after all.

I learned to play that on a Flute.


Honestly most of Mass Effect’s bosses are pretty subpar, and Mass Effect 2’s combat is the worst in the series in my opinion.

Mass Effect is played for story, characters, and Garrus calibrating things.

OG BioWare is best BioWare.

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the bs about not being able to do anything to a creature while it has armor and shields is why I said “screw it” and nuked the difficulty down to Veteran.

I still play ME3 on insanity though. ME3 had the best combat.


oh! and to be more specific, neverwinter nights platinum edition. instead of just the baseline game.

The Mass Effect Trilogy as a whole is my favorite video game of all time.


And also, if I really wanna tempt myself to play ME, I just listen to the intro theme to ME1

they/re decent games. i find the first one kinda… floaty, and the third one a slog. but the second one? just right. :sunglasses:

i especially like the map-screen music. is real good ‘n’ space-y.


mass effect 3 has terrible story.

My favourite game of all time is Half-Life, but Mass Effect is easily top 5.

I actually prefer HL1 to HL2, but HL2 does have the better soundtrack imo.

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not gonna lie, i thought it was just gonna be the valve-logo guitar twangs.

unrelated, the game really does’nt wanna give me the fish i want. :confused:
i got like, 150 fish i don’t need/want, but only 28 of the ones i need. the heck man?

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That sounds like something the Draenei would say…

Mass Effect 3 has a good story right up until you kill that last Marauder.

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