it’s a good theme. that’s not the terran theme i like best, but that’s a good one. reminds me of the snes games i played as a kid… good times.
still preffer the zerg theme though. i loved playing their first mission as a kid, even though i had no idea what i was doing, but i beat it through sheer mucking-about with the units, making them evolve into literally everything they could evolve into.
sidenote: all this music stuff has been nice. making fishing go by a little better. though my luck is still crap… i got 18 fish i want, and 79 fish i don’t.
the bs about not being able to do anything to a creature while it has armor and shields is why I said “screw it” and nuked the difficulty down to Veteran.
I still play ME3 on insanity though. ME3 had the best combat.
not gonna lie, i thought it was just gonna be the valve-logo guitar twangs.
unrelated, the game really does’nt wanna give me the fish i want.
i got like, 150 fish i don’t need/want, but only 28 of the ones i need. the heck man?