see’s the amount of glitter that’s still all over the office floor at work from weeks to months ago
the fox speaks the truth lol
Glitter is just condensed fel. It insinuates itself into everything, corrupting all it touches.
Yoga is one of those exercise practices that still gets massively criticized as new age nonsense. It’s unfortunate that folks can’t seem to separate the spiritual theory/practice from the actual bodily exercise. When you grow in your ability to execute the poses, you see how intrinsic your lungs are to all your movements. It’s wild to do the mechanical stretching and then take a long deep breath and feel all your muscles gently unfold, or stretch even further as your lower lungs expand. (Like a flower unfurling ).
I’ve been doing yoga +20 years now and there isn’t a day or session that passes that I don’t find a new sensation triggered in my body. And I can sit there a moment and enjoy it without my attention locked on having to keep count of reps. Even when you’re really stiff, the pain takes on a new face. It becomes softer with every move and then you hit that sweet spot where it melts away entirely. It’s sooooo good.
I’ve tried some of the more fiery yoga mashups that mix yoga and pilates. There’s also cardio builds that have you move faster and hold more difficult positions. All of them are good, but I definitely recommend doing those about 3-6 months in, once you have all the basic poses mastered. Yoga can hurt you, with too much speed and trying to wrench into different positions. I pre-watch most videos or practices before trying them and can usually eyeball problematic transitions pretty accurately.
One of the secrets of yoga is that it’s usually intended to be a fairly slow engagement. Your muscles will create micro-movements to maintain balance; and also shake and quake with effort to hold you. This is where the real benefit happens and gives you muscle tone. So if you feel wobbly, that is actually good. Over time, all those little wibble wobbles are going to lessen - and that means you’re gaining muscle tone in parts of your muscle not regularly worked with lifting or cardio.
I recommend YouTubes Yoga w/Adriene for beginners. She’s corny as heck, her dog is adorable, but her videos are solid. I haven’t found one yet that would make me wary that a beginner couldn’t do okay with it. She’s mindful that people are jumping in on her content at all skill levels & will discuss options like using blocks or blankets for more support. Also, yoga blocks are a beginners best friend. You can get one for $5 or $6 at Walmart or Target. Do it. I’m telling you, my first 6 months of yoga were so awkward frustrating until I got that block. It was because I needed the extra lift until I could identify correct posture and execution of what I was supposed to be doing/feeling.
Good luck. I hope you have fun and enjoy the benefits that come along!
My mother is a devout catholic and a yoga teacher. Sometimes she’ll get comments that are like “how can you be a good Christian and still do that stuff?” and she’d be like “it’s just stretching”
Having lived through the anti-roleplaying crusades of the 80s, I can verify that people can be remarkably and persistently close-minded.
I’m lackadasically Catholic as well. I get the hisses of disdain all the time. Admittedly, I also listen to podcasts and read books on the spiritual practice. Never once have I come across a theory that I think Christ would see as blasphemous. The dude was all for challenging the strict norms of society and religion. We often forget he was NOT a traditionalist. He cared more about people and less about dogma. He was the original social justice warrior.
But anyways. I’m fine with my own heresy. I’m just like Eve, strollin’ around eating that apple of knowledge. If you put us out on the back 40 of the garden, leave us unattended, and expect us not to explore the resources you’ve left us… you’re not a very smort creator force. Particularly when you built we golems with inherent curiosity. Derp.
It’s like trying to blame my dogs or chickens when they go after my blueberry bushes. If I’m not clever enough to move the pots out of their reach, I have no right to be mad at them for eating the fruit. The yard is under my control. But the mythology of the religion needs us to be flawed sinners to work, so we got what we got.
I think I’d prefer Fel to glitter.
And they can be incredibly dense, especially if it’s a hen-like gossip circle. Those circles get together and decide who is worthy and who is not, and it’s really not their place to decide in the first place.
/sprays with pink hair dye
Pink is the best color.
If only it would show in-game…
afternoon waggling-friends. i hope your all having a good one today. i’m… starting to get sleepy due to my crappy sleep-schedule… i keep waking-up at midnight, taking a nap some time around noon, and that keeps turning into me just sleeping till midnight.
aside from that though, i’m doin some in-game fishin. so… just wanted to pop-in, and say i hope your all doing well, and having a good day!
praise be the waggle.
Probably could if we had a pink paint item
that’s a great song there bread.
…though it makes me sad. reminding me of when ysera died in legion… oof… the only cutscene i’ll never, ever, skip.
you want the best song/music in the game? tanaris.
I like this song:
https :// (space after https)
woops I can’t do links, if some1 else can <3
that’s a pretty good one too.
but y’wanna know what song gets me right in the feels? right in the nostalgia?
this one:
…i’m not high enough trust level for vids, so… gotta share it this-a-way.
but yeah. when i think ‘world of warcraft’ this is what i think. probably cause it’s the theme song for the expansion i started in.