WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

Back in the 90s, when I lived there, the KC metro area was big enough to have everything I really wanted, but small enough that I didn’t feel overwhelmed.

All that, and barbecue…:yum:

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I plan to dye all Draenei hair tonight.

Compliance isn’t a factor, resistance is futile.

“What color?”

Pleeeease don’t say red… otherwise I’m stealing Lovefool’s Draenei herd.

red do be kinda nice color.


It genuinely still has a really nice balance in my opinion (for now). Most of the heavy growth has been south towards Overland Park & Lee’s Summit. But now they’re developing Liberty & the Northlands like it’s on fire. They put up a new women’s soccer stadium along the Berkley River Front and are slamming out huge apartment complexes there with stores, spas and entertainment venues in the bottom levels. They’re essentially building self contained little cities in themselves. Which is cool and all, but some are not even 200 ft off the river, which is prone to flooding. You know what happens when you put 5,000 people in apartment complexes that might go +18ft underwater with fast moving currents at ground level? Very scary outcomes. Heck, this summer alone the flooding crested numerous banks around town and backwashed the creeks and streams. No levee’s breached, thankfully.

Riverside is getting a new 30,000 seat ampitheater and concert venue. It sounds like the Royals and Chiefs might get new stadiums up near KCI if they can ever stop making the different counties around here fight a bidding war on property and tax incentives.

It’s been one of those situations, where if I’d have seen their plans for building out ahead of time, I probably would have chosen a more rural located home. Ours is 5 miles from downtown proper, but will soon be essentially inner city with the way things are going.

The BBQ here is still glorious. The annual brews and BBQ fest is spendy for tickets but very much worth it at least once in a lifetime. We will probably relocate soon, but for now we’re soaking it in while we can. I hope you get back to visit, it’s a really fun place.

“There were only two live Actors in the entire movie, not counting the baby. All the rest were Henson’s Puppets. So naturally that company will be helping with the sequel.”


There goes any chance of getting trust level 3 :frowning:

Just got flagged for comparing Baine with bbq sauce…


Pairing him w/bbq sauce is a flaggable offense? What about what wine selection?


It was the whine that probably got me flagged, I mean who knows :roll_eyes:


All whine goes with Baine, he’s diversely compatible. Does he have a hot aunt? Now that I’d slather in BBQ sauce.


Nah, beef like that, gotta go with a refreshing lager.


I dunno, he always seems tender & slow roasted. Lager is more for seared and grilled, no?


“I wouldn’t eat Baine. He is nothing but rotten meat.”


you better not eat my alleria. /INTENSE GLARE.

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/Reaches into a bag and begins pulling out colors. They range from brown and red to the absurd.


i have new lorthemar fusion.
lor’themar bronzebeard proudmoore.
he just wants to study with his luxurious beard and mages robes and jainas voice.

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Can I have an absurd?