WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

idc if kissmytotems reads it.

obligatory: ‘check’

also, i bet it might help trim some procedures. here’s the EMERGENCY GEAR EXTENSION checklist: :smiley:

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I’m not personally a fan of eyebrows with which you could put someone’s eye out, but we all have our preferences…

you saying kissmytotems is ugly…CAUSE SHES BEAUTFIUL.

wow, this Night Court, or whatever the faction is called for Ardenweald, has been pretty swell the first couple minutes in.

GIVING off massive gee golly whilikers vibes here.
hey were is sabetha?

Narrator: “The mark of any good forest is the dedication of their tenders. And, why, there’s that new forest tender now, Fairlight! I’m sure there’s a lot we can learn by watching this new tender at work! Let’s take a look, shall we?”

Lol. No joke. I glimpse at the maintenance reference manuals my hubby works from now and then. I get about 5 pages in and my eyes swim. The FARs are easier in my opinion to read.

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@sabetha dance off now.

oh yeah, i’m sure. toss me a wiring diagram and I’m tapping out.

Though, the old planes i’m in are pretty bare…maybe it’s because some are made before the moon-landing, and last updated in the 90s?

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A lot of the reference manuals begin with. “If the aircraft is on the ground, power the unit off, power it back on and see if the default clears.” :laughing: So, some things never change.

Old aircraft are pretty amazing. The amount of workhorse hours they put in, the wear and abuse they take, and the fact they still fire up and run sometimes even more reliably than newer fleets is just unbelievable.

Oh. Speaking of older aircraft. The airline history museum in KC has an old TWA Super Connie that was purchased and might be flying again. They pulled it out of the hangar and started cleaning and supposedly doing an engine check. It’s been all the talk around the 'hood lately.

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yeah, in fact, it’s so prevalent in the newer RJs that Embraer makes, that they’ve coined a term:








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this would be absolutely amazing! There was a derelict super connie near the blast area/overrun going into Camarillo Airport, but I think it was the military command/control AWACS version, EC-121.

And wow, I just looked it up, and here it is!

wow, that’s too cool. I had forgotten about this!

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The sleeping hour is now, not the dancing hour.

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omg gus lay on my bed his head resting on his poodle plush trhing.

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oh man, this theater intro quest thing for the night fae is adorable


“I found that one to be a ton of fun.”


i like what i feel is blizzard poking fun at themselves with some of the tropes, stories, and actions, by using the audience to self-critique.

lol and omg the little faeries wanting every act to end in death is precious


gus is zonked. he out like a light. was snoring earlier.

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I was talking to my son last week. He told me of a writing class he took recently. (Big State U.)

There were ~30 some people in his class. He was the only one that did not use ChatGPT to write his essays. Everyone else used cut/paste. He said the results were terrible. Because they passed work around the class he was able to see the work the other students had done.

  • One “essay” was a list of 10 bullet points
  • Several “essays” had sentence fragments jumbled together
  • Many lacked punctuation, paragraphs, or any formatting
  • Coherent marshalling of argument? Forget it… not happening

He told me - I did my essays just like I learned in school:

  • General intro into my topic
  • List my three things
  • Conclude and wrap up

While this was an exception, his other classes have been heavily impacted by the “AI” revolution as well. Not in a good way either.

I could tell by the look in his face that he was questioning the entire premise of higher education. If the entire experience is learning how to cheat and you don’t have any respect for the process or the people… why continue?

Which is why his brother dropped out of University and is now working construction as an IBEW groundman.

It also explains why the college hires I have seen recently have been a… real “mixed bag”
With regard to actually being able to perform real work… in a professional SW Dev environment.

State Uni was a ticket to a better place for me. For a lot of people now it is a debt trap that teaches you… nothing of value. :frowning: