WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

pomme de terre means potato (or, really, apple of the earth), big marketing campaign to try and make 'em seem upper classā€¦so, im guessing something about stone apple?

oh, i was definitely off

Playing with my heart must not count as a game then.

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Kicks feet up on a few logs after finding a nearby chair, pulls out a frosty mug of root beer, stares at everyone intently and sips slowly.

burps loudly after sip

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I think itā€™s time we stop
Children, whatā€™s that sound?
Everybody look, whatā€™s going down?


Flew back from Tucson to Portland OR today. (Passenger in an Alaska Airlines commuter.) Cruising at 36k saw 3 other smaller twin engine jets, below us, flying south. Plus one headed east. Crossed below us and behind.

Great day for flying. Awesome views of Mt Hood as we looped east of it and then down the Columbia river on the N side. For a left turn onto final approach to land. As sunny as Tucson when we landed, but a lot colder.


ā€œNow itā€™s stuck in my head. Thanks peopleā€¦ā€


ok i had dream. i was selling all the stuff in our house to buy something. this guy came up and offerred 175 grand for a old quarter coin that look like it had a big oak tree on the back. man i must of have been tired slept like a baby for several hours.

its not funny.

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Breadisnotfunny :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On that note my dog back in the day once ate a 1/4 Christmas ham and then proceeded to puke it up afterwards :frowning:

Bad ham.

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I canā€™t discount that as the ham was laid out on the table for a few hoursā€¦



Make your bed Bread Sloth :sloth:

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Draenei will just dirty it again.

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Iā€™m sure Bread would deny having draenei ladies lurking in the bedroomā€¦

They are in there now.

I know now from reliable sources.


Sleepy time is best time. It felt like today took forever & all Iā€™ve been able to think about is how much Iā€™ve been looking forward to this nap. Gā€™night Wagglers. Rest well when you make your journey to the Dream.


itā€™s official: godā€™s been trolling me all day/night. i shovelled the snow 3 times today. iā€™ve been timing it for when it stops snowing, that way when iā€™m done, i donā€™t have to worry about more snow.

ā€¦everytime i finish, within half an hour, it starts snowing again. what the crap.


Weather in Maine this time of year

a person in a white robe is standing in the snow with a fire in the background

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Good morning, Wagglers.

Snowing this morning, hereā€™s hoping my car isnā€™t buried in the parking lot when I get home from work.

Have a great day.

:coffee: :coffee: :cloud_with_snow: