WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

that ones for Fairlight, we spoke about him previously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA4f0DuE9fg

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That certainly woke me up

good morning.

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:smirk: Now let’s throw a nice Worgen in there…

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What it is ain’t exactly clear

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There’s a man with a gun over there
Tellin me, I got to beware


Hey you leave me outta this…

I hate our primary administrator.

Anti employee.
Anti my department.
Hears but doesn’t listen.

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My jobs alright, my boss actually likes me n chats with me
While my supervisor plays overwatch.

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theres a dude that says i remind him of an idol from an anime.
which the anime is the idol being killed so i was like oh.
i’m still trying to figure what he’s implying is he gonna kill me? lol


I could do without a few of my cow-orkers.

I have Horde related concerns about this statement… Glares at Lovefool “Mr. Lovefool, do you have a confession you’d like to make in relation to some ladies up in Thunderbluff??”

Nice rainy!

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Thanks Mate, the skip you see in it(the double) was because I played it too fast for the app to catch up. it does that occasionally, plus…if you hit the chord wrong according to them even if its not right! it wont allow you to play it. Like…if the chord is [xyz] it can be played either x+y+z at the same time, or alternatively in a run. But they never tell you which until you play it…

No, just means you’ll hurt em by existing /jk

No, I do not.

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Doesn’t mean you haven’t been up to anything, just that you don’t want to confess it, right?




mage is level 80.

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