Orcs aren’t beautiful.
Woman, I’m adorable.
The sons and daughters I sire will be destined to rule, fabulously.
Orcs are lovely. They have a very robust and rugged charm.
Draenei are ugly and aren’t beautiful, but we orcs are.
We can be sexy too
This is Lovefool in when he was 20.
Just casually letting her right buttcheek hang out
So I’m broken.
Snowblowed the driveway. But the snow was packed so I had to really push the snowblower through it.
Now I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back upstairs where my work laptop is and the things I get paid to do.
What, you expected the left one to be exposed?
What a preposterous idea.
The left cheek is bigger then the right cheek had to hide the left one.
Turn the other cheek…
This was me when I was 20 holds up a picture that looks just like he does now And here I am at 25,000+
“Awww, the kids gave uncle Ianthus Draenei flu!”
Sniffling little noses
Hey, that Tanaan Flu is no joke…I caught it a while back, and started hallucinating that I was pretty and popular.
one of those was a hallucination, the other was real…
Man, so cold outside I couldn’t feel my own butt.
Not an orc of the Frost Wolf clan?
pretty sure being out in the hot dunes all day, makes you weak against cold weather.
hmm, makes me wonder what clan(s) are mostly desert-like and arid. Thunderlord and Dragonmaw? (thought both are native to gorgrond)
dragonmaw, blackrock clan, and that one scout clan with a broken tooth.
cause im counting the dark iron dwarfs area.
Those look more like Green Elves
Green Elves & Ham ?
nice abs.