WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

I guess it doesn’t mind the stains.


All that spilled hot sauce probably improved the taste :shorts:


Get well soon, before I have to send the draenei nurses.


why in the world is a cloak for the monk Tomb of Sargeras set refusing to drop.

LITERALLY the last thing I need in all non LFR difficulties of that raid :rage:

9 toons just this week killing Mythic Desolate Host.

Worse than Invincible

Waffles in the morning means a great day.


Sleeping in until 9 means a better one.


good morning. coffee. chai latte, this one doenst that good but its something.
ahhh i dont wanna work. :sunflower:


ffs all I want is a monk cloak :sob:

Insanity has brought you here . . . MADNESS WILL CONSUME YOU

but…where is boredumb?

Location unknown. Sending SAR team.


had a dream i was jon taffer trying to rescue a restaurant run by a bunch of nitrous loving dude bros.

Good morning, Wagglers.

Seem to have caught the cold my sister had on Thanksgiving, or something from the rugrat nieces and nephews.

Joy joy.

:coffee: :coffee: :face_with_thermometer:

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paladin level 79.

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Steamrolling season is over time to reopen my spa in Orgrimmar. Shame that the one in Dalaran got destroyed, on the bright side I got lots of insurance gold from it.

Going to open a spa in Valdrakken.

Who wants to be the first one to get a poop bath?

I squished 10 Draenei last night.

For my Gnome’s honor.

What about the one right outside of Valdrakken?

It’s fine making a ton of gold the dragons like it.

I just opened it 2 weeks ago.

I used my insurance.gold to build one there.

I use dragon poop at that location, always available when needed.

/Calls the health department

Yes, it is that Orc over there.


I’m certified and approved, they wouldn’t let me open other wise.

How do you think I stayed young for so long?

The secret is in the poop.

It makes our orc skin baby soft and beautiful.