I guess it doesn’t mind the stains.
All that spilled hot sauce probably improved the taste
Get well soon, before I have to send the draenei nurses.
why in the world is a cloak for the monk Tomb of Sargeras set refusing to drop.
LITERALLY the last thing I need in all non LFR difficulties of that raid
9 toons just this week killing Mythic Desolate Host.
Worse than Invincible
Waffles in the morning means a great day.
Sleeping in until 9 means a better one.
good morning. coffee. chai latte, this one doenst that good but its something.
ahhh i dont wanna work.
but…where is boredumb?
Location unknown. Sending SAR team.
had a dream i was jon taffer trying to rescue a restaurant run by a bunch of nitrous loving dude bros.
Good morning, Wagglers.
Seem to have caught the cold my sister had on Thanksgiving, or something from the rugrat nieces and nephews.
Joy joy.
Steamrolling season is over time to reopen my spa in Orgrimmar. Shame that the one in Dalaran got destroyed, on the bright side I got lots of insurance gold from it.
Going to open a spa in Valdrakken.
Who wants to be the first one to get a poop bath?
I squished 10 Draenei last night.
For my Gnome’s honor.
What about the one right outside of Valdrakken?
It’s fine making a ton of gold the dragons like it.
I just opened it 2 weeks ago.
I used my insurance.gold to build one there.
I use dragon poop at that location, always available when needed.
/Calls the health department
Yes, it is that Orc over there.
I’m certified and approved, they wouldn’t let me open other wise.
How do you think I stayed young for so long?
The secret is in the poop.
It makes our orc skin baby soft and beautiful.