Different horned individual, the one in a apron.
Sounds like a heckuva drink. Goes down smooth, but watch out for the tail!
As a bard I may or may not have charmed a dragon…
I guess the way to tell would be by observing just where they’re whacking you with that tail…
Hey uncle you better get home she looking for you to help redecorate the cave
As a bard it’s a contractual requirement that you attempt to seduce at least one mythological creature during your career.
You passed the charisma roll.
Now roll me a D20
Constitution roll with disadvantage.
This is why you always fix your Bards up with proficiency in Athletics and Acrobatics.
Microsoft is trying to install Copilot on my computer.
I immediately deleted it.
I would imagine that your computer’s TCDS (type certificate data sheet) indicates that, for all operations, the minimum required crew is one. I agree with the deletion of the co-pilot.
Someone likes olives, fries and the 1975
Ranch dressing is missing.
I was going to say it needs cheese.
Cheese and ranch dressing.
Meat. Some form of animal protein, please.
ya’ll mean chili n cheese
The three wise PCs: gold cheese, frankenranch and meat
I am not looking forward to when I finally update to Windows 11 and have to strip out half the OS again like I did for Windows 10.
I wish I could basically just run a modern version of Windows XP.
I bread vow to go sober for 30 days. that is all.