WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 3)

There has been an invasion of draenei!

Battle stations people this is not a drill!!!

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I have a plan for this people. this and something else.

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I’m going to need everyone to jump on steamrollers, there has been a dramatic increase in draenei in MoP remix and soon coming to retail!

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All the boys like my waggle they will defend me.


I don’t know what you’re talking about

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They were mostly light forged paladin draenei!


:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

ill defend you.

Bread, you’re fired!!!

I dont care i love totems.

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I’ll steamroll you together to be with each other forever!!

yay…horray. i love her.

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Sneaks away with wrench and a bag full nuts and bolt .

I’ll steamroll the both of ya’ll and call you Breadtotems Rd.

doesnt change fact i love her.

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Rename the raod Lovers Dr. ?

RENAME the totems is great road.

You do want her steamrolled, I’m confused.

I’ll just steamroll you both like I planned.


Give those back!

no i will save her from her fate.

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It’s your fate too now!

You can join her on Breadtotems Rd.