WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 2)

i got a yrel floaty i won’t drown.


bites floaty there i pop hole in your floaty.

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“Ummm… Sorry, but that is incorrect. Goats CAN swim, they just prefer not to.”

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wears Precious’s Ribbon

c’mere gnome, I have a secret that will give you first place

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Nope succubus will be in barn partying instead stuck with boring b e.


My barn can fly too…
Speeds off into the clouds
Leaves Bread wallowing in the swamp with a grumpy and soggy succubus…

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oh light sake, you’re scaring them away now!

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i feel like i missed something in the… 7 and a half hours i was out-cold…

I wish everyone would stop trying to assault and/or eat the poor Gnomes.

“Awww… But they are so sweet, and tasty.”
/mischievous giggle


i am back ready to spread my reign of terror to the draenei.

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The only thing being spread around here is some nutella on some well toasted Bread…
Rain of Terror… it’s raining barbie belves…

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leave bread alone!

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Let me borrow your succubus and I’ll think about it…

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no zahvina is mine.

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I’ll trade you 5 Alleria clones and an inflatable Yrel for your succubus.

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hmm… not sure what to do… oh! i know!

flops his long wiggly appendage on the table.

bam! there’s my tail. pretty big, right? :wink:


I was reading that and thinking… where is this going.

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I found a gnome recipe.

:panda_face: :cook:

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No, bad!

No eating the small people!

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