You had to eat the extra large poutine to get one.
oh ok nvm then -100000 stars. thats right i added another 90000 negative stars for that.
i brought in a pig to eat the poutine so i could get the toy
I don’t need stars.
I require SOULS!
dont you waggle at me floozy.
Your soul isn’t bright enough anyway.
I guess when eating to much fel burgers this is a side effect. The soul slowly turns sickly green and stuff.
whats the health care in wow like?
im guessing healing… but can people afford healers? we know bandages exist…
I provide best-in-class medical services.
how far does it go?
like for example.
do you chop doc or can you cure like… brain cancer my character has from fel.
edit for a better example : could you give me a xray?
“I know a Goblin who could build something.”
good point. goblin and gnomes probably have that high tech.
do you think dwarfs have high tech aswell? they are good craftsman…
oh snap what about the goats? crystal healing might be possible.
Can you patch me up with a chiropractic session? My back could go for it.
I provide two services: un-gloved wound massage, and—for the most severe of cases—a nice, warm dip in the wondrously-curative, Blackrock lava below the molten span. One nice, long bath in Ragnaros’ bless’ed liquid cures even the most terrible of afflictions like the curse of the flesh. Sometimes the patients need a little help overcoming their fear of treatment, but I am happy to help them along on their road to recovery. I’ve never heard a single complaint out of any patient after the therapeutics: not a peep; a 100% success rate.
what would you reccommend for someone WHOSE TRANSMOG WONT CHANGE.
“Log out, then back in to, the Forums.”
As a goblin-spec engineer, I have enough experience with self-immolation to have serious doubts about the utility of this treatment regimen.
I mean, sure, reduction to ash makes the pain go away, but so does Flash of Light.
Or whisky. Or, preferably, both.
Forsaken love that one
roasted goat smells great.
ragnaros bath water xD
I hate when that happens. Sometimes for me it seems changing something at the barber, logging out (and/or exiting), and then changing your appearance back will possibly kick the armory into gear…and then other times nothing works .
Ah, the feeling of scorched toes from goblin rocket boots…joyous times.
How else are the dark irons going to conquer and rule all of Azeroth
we going to cure the sick without the healing powers of
I changed Boredumb for Noble Garden.
Armory didn’t update until the holiday was over
But obviously I got it to work for brewfest.