WA load if class in group?

Anyone know if it’s possible to make a WA load only if a class is in the group or raid, either with specific settings or with a custom string of text?

Trying to create some custom buff trackers and want to make specific auras load only if the class that can buff it is in the raid. For example for Priest I want to track if I have Fort or not, but I want it to only load if a priest is in the group. I have the aura set up the way I want, but I cannot find a condition in WA that will load only if the class exists in the group. I’m thinking there may be a way to do it with a string, but I’m not very experienced, can’t even find a good list of strings to review to check for that.


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Pretty sure you’d need to code that under the triggers rather than the load conditions.

You can set a Load condition to only Load if you are in a group (even in specific kinds of groups) but there is no Load condition for testing to see is someone else is in that group (either as a specific player or as a class or class/spec character).

You’ll have to code at least that part separately as a trigger.

Yeah my bad, I meant trigger. I want to create a separate trigger that looks for a class and then I think I can set a condition to hide it if the trigger is false.

I’ve pretty much confirmed WA by default can’t do this, but my next step[ is wondering if a string could check for player class in group. I found a thread showing off a WA string that would check for players that were set to ignore being in the group as shown here and this is the direction I’m trying to figure out if it is possible, but somehow replacing “isignoredormuted” with something like “isclass”

I just can’t find a good list of strings to review to see if that is even available for us to use.

    local text = ""
    local unit = IsInRaid() and "raid" or "party"
    local num = IsInRaid() and GetNumGroupMembers() or GetNumGroupMembers()-1
    for i = 1, num do
        if IsIgnoredOrMuted(unit..i) then
            text = text..UnitName(unit..i).."\n"
    aura_env.names = text
    return text ~= ""

This is set up to test for the following:

  1. You are in a group or raid yourself.
  2. You do not have the Fortitude buff up.
  3. There is at least one Priest in your group or raid.


No custom code at all. Just three separate triggers, all of which have to be true.

Right now, it just displays a string “Ask for Fortitude” on the screen, but you could have it do almost anything.

My recommendation would be to create one for each set of buffs provided by each specific class rather than try to do an all-in-one.

Other than the negative case, I haven’t tested this, but it should work.

The only gotcha might be the use of “Smart Group” in there - I had to ask in the WA Discord about that and the response didn’t come from a moderator, only a user.

If it doesn’t work, let me know.

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Sweet, I’ll give it a go, didn’t find the smart group option, but hopefully that’ll do what it looks like it might. But yeah I agree on multiple auras, I’m trying to find a good template to copy between classes that I will just dump into a dynamic group when they are set the way I want.

Had to change Fortitude to “Power Word: Fortitude” though lol.

Ah. Yeah. I wasn’t sure what the spell was.

I didn’t get around to raiding and fully testing until yesterday/today, but confirmed the smart group option is the toggle I needed to make it work the way I wanted to.

I think the only other trick I’d like to figure out is if there’s a way to get the paladin blessing ones to be smart about how many paladins are in the group to prioritize which blessings to show (IE: Salv > Kings > Wisdom). Also trying to figure out if I can get Totem of Wrath (Elemental Specific totem) to trigger in a similar fashion.

Got to leave for a doc appt in a bit. I’ll look at it when I get back. Be a few hours.