Looking for a recommendation/review from anyone who has played Warcraft 3 in the last 3-6 months. I’m interested in the campaign, not the LAN or online play. Search function doesn’t show anything newer than 6 months.
Looking for a recommendation/review from anyone who has played Warcraft 3 in the last 3-6 months. I’m interested in the campaign, not the LAN or online play. Search function doesn’t show anything newer than 6 months.
that’s because the game is dead. that should tell you everything you need to know about this trainwreck.
The campaign is fun. It’s updated graphics, it looks cool. It’s much the same campaign as back in the day. If your intention is to buy it for that, sure go for it.
The biggest con was game updating would delete your progress. You’d think Blizz of all companies could handle that but nah.
Not sure what the state is currently with patches and such though
Thanks you two. Based on the initial Metacritic reviews, as well as the topics on this forum, I wasn’t holding out much hope for the game but wanted a review from someone who may have played it recently.