W h i t e m a n e

Couple items - I’m dealing with the ques. Raid days I adjust accordingly. I was solely commenting on the practical logistics of just rerolling or transferring.

I really can’t tell where you are coming from - are you saying we should not have a right to voice our opinion as a paying customer? (Assuming you will say the simple thing to do is unsub). Are you saying that everyone complaining only has the choice to move off server?

You are advocating for the simple solution, yet tell me that the simple solution is not the easiest.

Well, why can’t this be applied to the real problem? The simplest solution is to limit transfers, offer free transfers off for any character or character(s), start aggressively banning bots, and - long term - invest hardware/resources into the problem blizzard created by having mega servers.

Is that simple - sure it addresses most of the problems. Is it easy? Well no “But, as with all things in life, sometimes things just suck no matter which way you cut it.”

There’s ‘voicing your opinion as a paying customer’ and then there’s “Oh, look, another thread on this topic that has been spamming the forums, which says nothing different from the other hundreds of identical threads and is just full of whining.”

This is especially true since the best avenue for getting Blizzard to hear you would be to CONTACT BLIZZARD DIRECTLY, instead of spamming threads on the forums, and hoping that a moderator bothers reading through thread spam to see your concerns, and forwards them through the internal bureaucracy of Blizzard so that it eventually gets on the desk of someone who can make that decision. Or post it in the Customer Service section, where people who are empowered to make decisions are more likely to read it. Do something that will actually get you heard.

All this does is just annoy players who aren’t on Whitemane with your whining.

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I wonder how my raid is gonna fare tonight, hopefully layers will be enabled…

See if the guild will xfer to a lower pop server?

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Didn’t layers just make it easier while you’re in game, doesn’t have nothing to do with the actual que times?

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The layers allowed there to be two variations of the world with 8-10k people. Now we have one variation of the world with 8k unique characters or accounts, and 2-3k in queue.

Yes but think of it this way, its multiple instances on the same server. The que will still continue to be large with or without layering

Not exactly. What we experienced was that the moment layering was instilled, we had no queue. At one point, we had 3-4 layers. Then, something changed and we only needed 2. Blizzard capped it at 2 for a few weeks, and we had a small queue of about 100-400 people at the most peak times. Now, with 1 reduced layer we had 0 queue for about 2-3 weeks, and then they re-enabled “new account character creation” which has led to the swarm of bot accounts/unique characters being made for farming and RMT purposes. We’re being infested by gold sellers.

You left out about 25 other servers that dont have queues.


keep in mind pve can only xfer to pve and same for pvp

Was pretty sure PvP could xfer to PvE just not the other way around.

And Whitemane is a PvP server.

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Not that I don’t sympathize with you for having to wait in a queue, but queues don’t make guilds fall apart unless your guildmates are transferring off Whitemane, which is a net positive.

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So I cant ever post about this topic? One post gets me flamed for whining?

Go ahead, look at my posting history. Forums are for a reason, lo and behold layers added today!

People would just quit or transfer off. They left those servers for a reason, be it queues or faction imbalamces, merging them back together won’t work.

If lagfest zerg BRM PvP is your thing yah I guess - or collusion around world bosses and purge wars.

Only two guilds are colluding and we’re coordinating to prevent it.

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There are no real players and guilds on whitemane. They’re all bots, gold farmers, and multiboxers. Anyone that doesn’t believe me, go and see for yourself. Make a new toon, preferably a dwarf/gnome, and just look around when you enter the game. Nothing but multiboxer gnome mages and mage bots as far as you can see.

Life is peaceful again.

Until next time…

That’s good to hear, things were very different when I was more active on the server.

When I was ranking and Warsong became the meta Q and Dabes were the bracket leaders and it was handled poorly. YIKES and Risen were the only two teams I know of that weren’t dodging.

I look forward to meeting more of Lion’s Share in cross server duel tournaments in the future. :slight_smile:

Ultimately just started leveling across every PvP server in the NA region looking for a place that fit for me, got a lot of friends together, like minded active players - and formed a world PvP guild on the server that best fit for us.

It is definitely interesting how ZG launch has had so many horde PvPers reroll alliance and sort of tipped the scales the other way.