So far I killed Vyragosa 3 times, and never even seen Timeless Proto Drake once. I know they both share the same spawn times, but does anyone know the spawn ratio between the two? 10 Vyragosa spawns for every 1 Timeless Proto Drake spawn? 100 to 1? lol
Can’t compare the 2, time lost drops a mount, Vyragosa doesn’t, there gonna make Vyragosa spawn a lot more because of this
This is not what the OP is asking.
Elfina, read the guides on this Discord:
The good people of this channel live to help others.
About 1 to 8 iirc. Also, idk if they fixed the way mob loot drops for stuff like TLPD. WoW secrets discord hands them out for free.
Yeah they do. I’ve seen 2 or 3 TLPD announcements pop up this week.
I have 37 vyragosa
I did not sleep well this week
I hate my server.
Ahh I remember those days.
Took me only a few days of farming to find good ole time lost…then months later in the middle of the night I flew passed him again…scrambled to check friends lists to see if anyone was on…no one was…so I sighed and killed TL so no one else would get him that day…
any tips on finding vyragosa, i had no luck so far
Why didn’t you just leave it so someone else could get the mount?
You answered your own question with what you asked. So no one else would get it.
kill one more I already have 38
In my experience it was around 4 to 1 spawn rate for TLPD. I have helped several friend farm it.
Anway, good luck to you getting it!
Math-wise its technically 1/10 chance for the TLPD to spawn, but I had it at around 24 or so Vyragosa kills before the TLPD spawned when I had a slight madhouse bender one weekend where I decided I was going to get this mount no matter what
I’ve seen TLPD alive a total of three times, including the time I got it. During my camping days/years, I saw and/or killed Vyragosa maybe a dozen times. I’d say your ratio is more or less on track.
So it was just a dick move then…
That’s harsh to say. It wasn’t a dick move it was protecting the time investment I put into farming it to keep it slightly more valuable.
No. It was a dick move. You should have just moved on and let someone else get the mount instead of making sure no one got it. I believe a party of 5 can kill the npcs now and all of them can get it. Personally I would have have announced it in zone chat and invited people for it. I farmed it in wrath and don’t see the point in keeping it from others for my epeen.
It has literally zero value as you can’t trade it.
You are wrong if it had zero value people wouldn’t farm for it to have it.