Vulpin no longer dying to Dodge Ball Mists

Is this a change or a bug because it’s really dumb that this stupid thing isn’t dying to dodge ball. That’s the whole point of the mechanic and now it’s just ignoring it completely, making the fight even more tedious than it already is.

Ngl, even after doing M+20 and up tyere didnt know tge fox died to balls, if it was changed for TWW i didnt know. We usually just CC and forget

That works when it spawns in range, but as a Warrior with Mountain Thane AoE is in my ST rotation so it will usually insta break if it spawns in Melee.

basically everyone has aoe built in at this point. there’s no way to avoid breaking cc other than moving the boss far enough away.

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You know who the vulpin is spawning on based on who she targets during the cast. If it’s a melee, I immediately move her away so that even if a CC is broken, the melee aren’t tempted to melee-brain-tunnel and get hit by the add. Bonus points though if you’re able to get far enough that melee AoE won’t in fact break the CC.

It wasn’t a thing in Shadowlands.