Vulpera were a mistake

They’re just the worst.


You were a mistake.


Don’t hate us because we are more cute than you.

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Silence, fleabag. The adults are talking

Chan looks around

What adults are talking? I don’t hear anything. You got the crazies? You poppin’ pills again? Nobody is responding to you, Orc - except maybe for this dilapidated walking corpse, but walking corpses don’t really count.

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A walking corpse doesn’t count, but an ankle biting flea ridden stray dog does? Go beg for table scraps somewhere else pest, before I call animal control and you wake up in a cage with your marbles missing.

This is your second flea joke in two posts - is that about the extent of your creative imagination, or can we expect some fresh material sometime this year?

Beg? You mean like your girl did last night when I used her ponytails like handlebars and rode her like a bicycle?

That won’t work, buddy. Technically speaking, we’re not animals; as such, “Animal control” can’t really do anything. They’ve already tried, and failed.

Animal control” in Orgrimmar is currently being sued for 5.5 M in a class-action lawsuit for racial profiling and discrimination, wrongful arrest and detention, assault, negligent use of force, pain and suffering, misery and woe, other assorted damages, slander and libel, etc., etc. Some Vulpera are even going so far as to demand that “Animal control” in Orgrimmar be defunded, if not completely dismantled.

I also notice that you’re not from Emerald Dream. It kinda begs the question: why are you here on the Emerald Dream forum? Shoo! Shoo! Go back to your swamp!

Hang on.

So you’re telling me, that you want to stay in 2020?

You seem awfully sensative about fleas for someone who “definitley doesn’t have them”. Fleabag confirmed.

Joke’s on you, I’m gay. You humped a dude lol

Dogcatcher lives matter. I support the brave men and women of the Orgrimmar Animal Control Department and all they do to keep our city free of vermin. Clearly whatever force they used wasn’t excessive because you’re still here. I think we need to start allowing the pound to start giving stray mutts the “big sleep” like they did in the good old days.

I got lost on the way to college.

Third flea joke.

You see… a gay person wouldn’t say this; a gay person wouldn’t try to shame someone for humping a dude - you know, bc that’s what they do.

2/10 for effort though. Gunna have to play smarter to out-fox a fox!

Times have changed. Get with the programme. “Animal Control” in Orgrimmar is a thing of the past. The “Good ol’ days” aren’t comin’ back, and we Vulpera are here to stay.

Now… lick my toe beans you filthy Orc.

Incels, all of you.

you literally defend death threats as trolling, you guys are garbage human beings.

sorry, certified sex haver here, i think you’re out of your league!

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nobody cares, but when you’re in a guild full of serial misogynists that attack multiple women on the server, you’re an incel. you guys are all on blast.

someone cares clearly and it’s not the rest of the server :slight_smile:


Triggered rofl

I’ve been on blast for many years, Abords

Horde are supposed to be savages… is anyone surprised by these statements? Get hard.

Chihuahua’s are cute. Because they aren’t molded into a Humanoid creature that makes no sense.

Sometimes it’s okay to trash-talk women. If there is a lady who has done nothing and gets bombarded with attacks then that is a problem. Been around lotta dudes and chicks and I’ve been on the attacking women side more than defending women side.
Gotta be more specific about that one little guy. :smile_cat: