Vulpera racism is getting VERY old

Yeah but the whole story revolved around the Alliance betraying them, trying to murder them all, and forcing them to go to the desolate planet of outland to go make friends with a demon elf. Fact checker here with a lacking context warning xD


I can fault Blizzard on a lot of things, but the introduction of the Blood Elves to the Horde was honestly handled pretty well. Yeah, it’s different than WC3–but so are the Night Elves.

The Draenei were actually handled a lot clumsier.


Here’s the thing:

I actually 100% agree with you. I hated the fact Blood Elves went Horde, and I hated the fact I had to wait until Legion (and then get Exalted with an End Game Faction of Broken) until I could play a Quel’thalas native on Blue-side (And even then, for a long time I was a blueberry). I mean, I bought WoW specifically to play as a WarCraft 2 Elven Ranger.

But playng through the Blood Elf starting areas…I didn’t hate how the Blood Elves came into the Horde. Also kinda like the fact it was through the Forsaken - the Undead Ranger General of Quel’thalas ruling over the remnants of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

I love the fact Blizzard design philosophy was like “No, Alliance races need to be hot.” so we got literal Eredar instead of classic Draenei. They even developed Broken as an intermediary with a full skeleton rig and they were the ones who originally were Shamans but no…we get to play as Blue Eredar.

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Honestly, it was worth all of the hassle to preserve our cultural legacy as The Hot Faction.

And I agree that the Alliance should have gotten High Elves YEARS ago. They’ve literally been the major representatives of Alliance forces in 4 different patches. Argent Tournament in Wrath, Alliance forces at Zul’Aman in Cata, predominantly Silver Covenant Kirin Tor Offensive against the Thunder King, and the big army assembled to take back the Nighthold.

Alliance folks have been done dirty for not getting High Elves tbh.

Amazing, we can be friends across faction lines! I mean I’m an Alliance main in gameplay atm but i still mostly RP Horde


i love how blizzard says the horde is the ugly faction but every horde woman is a bombshell.

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This is also the way.

people say i only play blood elves b/c i want to be pretty, but then i mained my tauren for an entire patch because she was so beautiful i couldn’t look at her without taking 20 screencaps.

and people who call troll women ugly? how??? have u seen how pretty they are???

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Tuskie kisses are love.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

One of my first characters way back in Wrath (Thunderhoof server player! I think that was the server name) was a female Troll. I liked how they looked.

Tauren are also quite lovely ladies, for sure. Honestly, all the females look pretty great. Some of the males are very gonk-ish though.

Alliance should’ve gotten Broken as an allied race instead of void elves

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Coming into this discussion late but I just want to add that as far as BFA is concerned, I really really loved Kul Tiras way more than Zandalar. I feel like the lone “human enjoyer” in my friendgroup and the broader RP community sometimes but KT hit all the right notes for me.

So it may be a matter of taste, on that front.

Gotta love dwarves. They really don’t care how they look or more importantly what other people think of them. Give you the shirt off their back if you earn their trust and the shirt actually fits you. True salt of the earth folk, they are.

If you see a fire at night out in the wilderness and dwarves are sitting around it, you feel safe approaching it, being welcomed, chilling out, eating the food they’re cooking, and sharing a story or two.

Don’t say that around the Earthen. They take offense.

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I’m sure they do. Thanks for the heads up. Lol.


It just occurred to me.

Earthen are made of stone.

Their buildings are made of stone.

The Gingerbread Man Dilemma is here!


"Is my house made of flesh?

Or am I made of house?

I scream, for I do not know."


“When I die, don’t put me in some musty tomb. Use my body to patch the holes in the foundations.”


Sniff. Such a noble donation of the body to a good cause.

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