Vulpera racial still sucks

After the 11.0.7 racial buffs, bag of tricks still isn’t worth the global cooldown. And vulpera remains the worst choice of all races for dps.

Please approach the problem from the question “how can we make this ability worth using?”

Thank you.


Vulpera camp racial is the best though. Certainly makes up for it.

Furthermore, if you’re min/maxing down to racials, you’re just ruining the game for yourself.


I would value your argument a lot more if you were not playing a night elf…

I agree min maxing racials is dumb, but it feels bad when some races get massively impactful ones over others.

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What race I play doesn’t make one bit of difference.

I didn’t pick my race for her racials, i picked it because my wife and two of my closest friends are all night elves.

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Lady, with all due respect, I’m asking them to make the button worth pushing. That is completely reasonable.

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Then to be clear you would not mind if they removed shadowmeld?


I don’t use Shadowmeld very often, but having just had this discussion very recently, I’m going to nip this in the bud now.

Racials are not the make or break players think they are. The vast majority of us will never get to the level where Shadowmeld is a serious consideration for PvP.

That said, I’d like more context as to what exactly this Vulpera racial does, and why it’s considered useless, with just a couple of examples, if you don’t mind. I never unlocked the race, so all I’m familiar with is the camp racial which I am highly jealous of.

That’s reasonable, and as stated to another user, I’m not familiar with the racial, so I need more context.

I agree with your stance, pick your race based on what you like, but racials shouldn’t be useless, and racials shouldn’t be overpowered like Shadowmeld is.

I can’t answer about now, but basically bag of tricks healing/damage was so low that it was actually considered a DPS/HPS loss to push your button. This was made even worse by the fact that it contributes nothing to your rotation, as a weak heal or damage may make something else proc normally.

Like wrath is weak damage but it builds astral power so you can do a big spender. Arcane shot is mediocre damage but it could proc a rapid fire reset (not sure if it actually can, just an example.)

Bag of tricks does subpar damage and healing, does not generate resources, and does not proc abilities so it is a complete waste to press.

The easiest way to fix this is by either increasing the damage/healing or causing it to generate resources like Arcane Torrent.

It doesn’t need to be OP, but it needs to be worth pressing.


That’s the info I was looking for! Thank you!

It for sure needs to change then. Even a flat CD reduction would be in line with the “tricks” flavor of the racial.

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Racials are not only active skills, the two Vulpera passives “Fire resistance” and “Nose for trouble” are very good, especially for tanks on M+ pulls.

The alternate location hearthstone “Make camp”/“Return to camp” is useful as well, not forgetting the additional bag space.

In fact there are races with much worse abilities, Vulpera are in a pretty good spot.


Vulpera racials can use some small buffs.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I would gladly give up SM today for a mini-lust. But then I also want a decent passive to replace wisp and I want the freaking “night/day” impact on our other passive to be removed as well.

As I said, vulpera is the worst race in the entire game for DPS.

If they aren’t willing to make bag of tricks worth pushing a hotkey for, I’ll settle for more vulpera fur colors. Black and lavender are needed.

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