Vulpera need more skin colors

We are missing different shades of purple and blue at that very least. Plus additional patterns please.


Vulpera already have a lot of fur color options, plus even having patterns to begin with. We are last in line for more customization options, especially earlier Allied Races like Lightforged Draenei or the Nightborne who only have like 3 skin color options to choose from.

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I just wish they(and worgen) had a dark black look. Heck, at least Vulpera get a neat white option, unlike worgen, so why not a darker black?
That said, I’m always for more options!


O nightborne need love for sure, I just want a couple more colors.

edit: Mechagnomes need brighter hair colors as well just to make things even. Just give them the blue, pink, and green.

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If you want darker black on a vulpera, use pattern 3 with the black fur color option.
Pattern 3 gives you dark black on your paws/arms, while the other patterns keep those bits lighter

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I do have that, but it’s still not very dark.
It’s weird because, like with worgen, some colors look pretty good in the character creator, but as soon as you are in the real world it just looks gray. :confused:

There is actually a skin color which never got added onto the playable Vulpera models. It was only ever used in the BfA Alpha/Beta, back when Vulpera still looked mostly like Goblins.

Hopefully Blizz will give eventually give us this never implemented skin color.


Blue? Purple? No, they’re foxes, not furry OCs.

More options is always welcome, though I’d say keep them in the realm of reality. A pure white or even some new patterns would be nice.

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Defiantly need more options for use dk’s.

Foxes can be pink, violet, or blue.

These colors are exclusively reserved for Alliance use only.

See Night Elves, Void Elves, and Draenei.