Vulpera mage water element bug

Hi I’m a Chinese server player and I’m going to make what I’m going to say as clear as possible as there may be some mistranslations.
I saw a video on a Chinese video platform and it is about vulpera mage. Simply speaking, if you play vulpera mage, you can still keep your water element summoned even when you have switched to fire or arcane mage. The way to do this is when it is the darkmoon faire week, you camp in darkmoon faire, and when the week is over, normally you don’t have access to the faire but since you have camped there, you do. When you are else where, you summon your water element as a frost mage and then you switch to either fire or arcane, you water element disappears. And then you use the race ability(I don’t know the English name of it) to go back to your camp, and then you’ll get back to the faire, but you will get immediately teleported outside to the entrance of darkmoon faire because you can’t get into it when it’s not darkmoon faire week. And then your water element is back to you, whether you are fire or arcane. According to the person who made the video, he has talked about this bug on Chinese server forum But get no replies so I find it necessary to give a feedback here.