Vulpera focused guilds

Are there any Vulpera/Tauren/Druid focused guilds out there? I know vulpera aren’t out yet.

Not that I am aware of, but I am strongly considering making a vulp/tauren/panda/troll guild called “Fast and Furrious” (Darkspears have fur! :yum:)


Sounds like fun lol. So or just for fun?

I can almost assure you that once Vulpera go live there will be at least one Vulpera Guild (or at least one that has the right personality GMing to steer the ship and keep it afloat).

Only issue is that you’ll likely have to pop on and prepare a comb to find the ones that will stick around in the community post-first contact.

I’m actually transferring to wyrmrest or boosting haven’t made up my mind yet. Looking for the right guild for my bull pally

I will always recommend The Skyrunner Tribe. Good people.

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There will be tons of Vulpera guilds. The real question is “Which ones will last more than a half year?”


Y’all are so negative sometimes. I hope there’s 20 guilds, even if they don’t all make it, at least people are having fun


Vulpera make me happy for 2 reasons

  1. People have been begging for them since launch and people being happy makes me happy

  2. There are still people that irrationally hate them because the tired old “x race doesnt belong in WoW” or some insane fear of furries and I’m petty enough to enjoy their suffering


You and me both, sister! I was going to make Vulpera already, but I am gunna enjoy them even more now.

Two of them are gunna be based off my Aurin from Wildstar. Very excited. :blush:


I miss Wildstar. I wish Carbine wasnt so inept.

But I digress that sounds like a wonderful template for a Vulpera I hadn’t thought of using the Aurin as inspiration

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One of my Aurin was fox colored and had a super luxurious fox tail. So it hit me right away.

Im torn between Vulpera Rogue or Vulpera Hunter.

Thinking rogue and making him a mix of Fox McCloud and Sly Cooper

I am thinking Hunter and DK. Maybe Outlaw rogue.

A Vulpera Hunter that gets super into Engineering might be a fun direction

That would be a lot of fun. And engineering was one of those professions I never actually ever really leveled up

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Sassy Vulpera pirate who is terrified of the ocean and will debate you for hours about how you can totally be a land pirate (“No shut up it still totally counts!”), reporting for duty


You nailed it. My Aurin was a spellslinger who was suuuper into tech. When they released Engi for Aurin I made his cousin. They ran a scrapyard out in Malgrave. They had Aussie accents and were just so much fun to rp. God I miss Wildstar.

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Taalva is my Engineer and it’s one of those professions that can be a blast in RP so long as your careful not to make yourself op with it.

(Taalvas engineering plays heavily into her combat prowess as well as her proficiency in espionage)

Lmao… I’m anticipating that loads of Vulpera are just going to automatically hate my Faithless Sethrak hermit. That’s fine though, it plays into Najash’s personality well- LOTS of old regrets on this ancient danger noodle.

Anyway, Zuldazar Menagerie is a Zandalari guild, but we accept Vulpera as Speakers of the Voldunai if anyone is interested. c=