Vulpera Discussion Megathread

I don’t really know if I can convey how much I want Vulpera made playable. I have already made characters (reserved names) and am ready to get leveling. Those Ally scum will pay for what they did to our caravans! :fox_face::skull_and_crossbones:


I want a confirm on those Vulpera so I can actually start making my mog, and perhaps have WoWhead fix the preview so I can wear my darn mask. Argh! Please Blizz!

I might not be able to mog my glasses–but I can send them to alts. So if/when Vulpera are in game… I’ll post a screenshot of mine in snazzy shades here.


I’ve been unsubbed since January, but i’ve been trying to keep tabs on the game. While Vulpera wouldn’t bring me back (I’m absolutely rooting for you guys, though!), Sethrak would. Here’s hoping for some good news tomorrow.


No new ARs in the upcoming patch, likely for 8.2.5 either (though he didn’t specifically say none in 8.2.5). Per the Q&A.

They listen to us, though, so please Vulpera Vulpera Vulpera! And Sethy would be nice too…

Edit: Well, so they said…

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He did say they they like seeing feedback about races that could become ARs. I read that as we may yet see Vulpera/Sethrak, but we may be looking at 9.0 time frame, not 8.2.5.

I’m fine with 9.0 or later as long as we get them eventually, personally!

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I’m really disheartened that we didn’t get any news at all. Not even expect more info on x date. Just don’t know if I can keep my hope alive for this.

I wish we could at least get this. This. Of all things. Meh. :confused:

I realize they deconfirmed for 8.2.5 as well, too. This is such a disappointment. 8.2 already hadn’t looked amazing to me, now it looks even worse.

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It sounds like we will eventually get more allied races in the future, just not in 8.2, so there is still hope. The wait for even some form of information is very painful, however.

Still won’t stop me from hoping for Ogres and Vulpera, though!

We gotta keep talking and sharing our ideas, and how things can fit in. They did say feedback is important!

We know a few things from what they told us today, unless the wowhead summary is wrong. That there WILL be more allied races, and when they get announced it will either be in a major patch, or announced at blizzcon.

Honestly? I’d expect next blizzcon, sadly. And they’ll probably be a feature of next expansion.

Safe to say if anyone was waiting for vulpera to start BFA, you can probably just start now, or unsub til next expansion.

I updated the front page of the megathread reflecting the current news brought by the March 21st Q&A. It was disheartening, but hopefully the 8.2 dataminers will have news for us.


I think it was disheartening for Vulpera immediately, but as we were talking in the high elf discord as a whole it could be very good news. The idea that they ARE listening to feedback can’t be understated. No one will ever convince me Junkgnomes weren’t their primary idea for Alliance, but they can see how lackluster feedback there was for that, and how strong the say Sethrak feedback has been.

It is entirely possible they have re-evaulated what they want to do. This probably means that Vulpera are getting a delay so they can get who they do want to pair them with ready. I can see them not wanting another Zandalari fiasco where the time they announce it to the time people get it was a looong time. This was almost entirely the fault of all the work they did on the kul tiran rig.

If them being coy about it is cause they do want to do say Sethrak but the models, particularly the female models need work, that would be a big net positive in the end.

Or I could be whistling in the dark with blind optimisim and a desire to find a silver lining…


I mean, nothing they said is overtly bad news for Vulpera. So you’re right.

I was just hopeful the wait might be coming to an end. See you on the PTR!

I hated the thought of Pandaren, and the game survived them. I actually would LOVE to be able to play Vulpera (racial mount - alpaca!).

As for the game being “ruined”, if you can play in a game with panda people, you can totally play in a world with fox people.

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While I obviously enjoy my panda people, I will be the first to admit that of all the races in the game, they definitely stand out strongly against most other player races when they’re hiding helmets. If you look at screenshots of our Foxtober event in Orgrimmar though, the Vulpera seem to blend in pretty well.


I actually find foxes to be less absurd than cow people, and we’ve had those since classic. The game will be fine.

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I really hoped Vulpera would be in 8.2. If they end up in 8.2.5 at the same time as updated Worgen and Goblins, it’s going to be difficult to choose between them all.

Yeah no news regarding stuff that people care about, lets talk about screwing people more with stuff like level squishing. I’ve had it with this game.