Vulpera Discussion Megathread

The only animal race I am interested in is worgen, and they’re not technically animals. I already have every class covered that a worgen can be else I would have one. I want a worgen shaman in the worst way to try them out, but that’s not likely to happen. I’m really not interested in black lagoon race, or the naga either.

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I love worgen but, I tend to main horde, and I think I like foxes just a little better than wolves. Plus, vulpera have tails and worgen don’t. Really want these foxos.


Tails are a major reason why Vulpera beat out Worgen.


The tail really makes a difference I’ll admit.


I am super stoked for new worgen models. So much so that I’m actually going to be okay if Vulpera aren’t in 8.2.5 as long as the worgen look good enough.

But I still want Vulpera more.


Welcome back to another ARTuesday! Today we’ll be celebrating Keeru!

How long have you been drawing?
I’ve been drawing since I was really little! I’ve always had a knack for artistic stuff, but I never really took any specific classes for it. It’s just a hobby I enjoy doing!

How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?
I joined up around the middle of Cataclysm. My cousin owned the game and when Worgen came out, he showed me them and I was interested in playing them! My first character ever was a Worgen hunter on his account, but when I got my own, I made a Worgen druid instead! I got him all the way up to max level, and to this day druid is still my preferred class. Lately though, I have not had an active subscription, as I’ve been busy with managing a gaming community for another game, as well as balancing a work schedule, along with a general disinterest in the current goings-on in WoW. Nothing personal though-- and once/if Vulpera are announced, I’ll come straight back!

What activities do you like to do in the game?
When I was actively subbed, I enjoyed raiding! I remember busting my butt to down Heroic G’huun back when Ul’dir was the most current content available… I had started raiding on my BM Hunter, but eventually I swapped over to my MW Monk because we were sometimes short on heals. I honestly loved the playstyle and the tricks I could pull with Transcendence! Truthfully, if I had a solid raiding team I’d likely return to the game faster.

Besides drawing and warcraft, what else do you like to do with your time?
I work as a retail manager, but when I’m not doing that, I love to play Beasts of Bermuda! It’s a Steam game about dinosaurs-- where you get to play as one and be a part of a whole server ecosystem! There’s a bunch of rad things you can do, and even though it’s an early access game, I love talking with the developers in their Discord server. They genuinely love their game and the folks who play it, which is extremely refreshing.

What about the Vulpera inspired you to draw?
The big ears, floofy tails, and their paws! Admittedly they aren’t much different to what I normally draw, but I really love the stories that the Vulpera AR community have come up with! They truly have inspired me with all of their own imaginations and creativity, and will continue to I’m sure!

What do you plan to name your Vulpera character, should they become playable?
Keeru! I debated back and forth about this, but I’m deadset on his name now! I knew I wanted something with a nice K sound, and it just stuck!

Thanks to Keeru for being showcased today! And if you’ve done some Vulpera fan art and would like to be featured in an upcoming ARTuesday, please give me a shout!


Isn’t the cap for these threads like 5,000 or something? Are we gonna run out of space? D:

I think the 5k cap was for the old forums. Even it is capped at 5k maybe a mod will be kind enough to allow it to have a larger cap like the High Elf Thread had, that one almost got to 20k.

There’s no cap, but the larger the thread, the riskier it becomes of being flag-bombed.

This thread is pretty chill, thought, and I doubt there’s too many vulpera-haters out there to try to lock it.


Give me the fox people.

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I wish I was good at art so I could share it.


I’m pretty sure we’re reaching the point where we might be encouraged to start a new thread. I can’t edit the front page anymore and haven’t been able to since about 4.5k. We’ll see how far we can take this one, but if there’s a major announcement regarding vulpera I’ll likely have to create a new thread simply because the front page of this one would become outdated.


If we do get Vulpera, I sincerely hope they can become Paladins. I will race-change my BE Paladin to a Vulpera so hard.

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From what I noticed from the one big thread I followed, 10,000 is the problem number. Well, at least technically. When it hits 10k I stopped getting the back button next to the scroll bar, the thread count suddenly included a few hundred extra posts (apparently posts that were deleted either by user or mod were now being counted but not shown)

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ooh remember that thing I said about a ray aquatic form?


That was pretty darn cute. I hope if they do get druids they use this idea.


Man, the rage from all the Human Paladins would be even more glorious than when the Tauren became Paladins.

Ever since the paladin and zandalari situation I have a feeling they are going to give warlocks to Vulpera.

Happy 5k posts everyone!


Yay we hit the big 5k. Just need 15k more for them to be made playable.