Vulpera Discussion Megathread

It looks like Rise of Azshara is coming June 25th:

Which is good news as the sooner this comes out, the sooner we’ll see new allied race news.

Since Vulpera are heavily hinted, I’ll keep an eye out for any Vulpera related stuff in the patch and help report any findings, assuming my 4 week summer class doesn’t eat up most of my time. <- <;


Do it! Please!


Lot of Vulpra hate threads going around but don’t let that get you down. Just keeps sharing your passion and work towards it.

Some advice from the High Elf threads.


Yeah, I really want to experience Mechagon as a little scavenger Vulpera rogue. I don’t want to do it on one of my existing chars and then go back and do it on a Vulpera because all the magic would have been gone. They need to release the freaking Vulpera. :fox_face::crossed_swords:


You will! You will! And you will have lots of company!



Welcome back to ARTuesday! After a small scare with my trust level decaying, I am proud to introduce you to our second fan artist spotlight:


1. How long have you been drawing?
I’ve been drawing for three years now digitally, but around ten years overall.

2. How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?
I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since Cataclysm.

3. What activities do you like to do in the game?
I enjoy Roleplaying & Raiding, as well as a sprinkle of arena! However, my favorite thing is exploring and finding new places around Azeroth.

4. Besides drawing and warcraft, what else do you like to do with your time?
I like to care for my frogs & doggos, as well as raise succulents and play FFXIV & Dead by Daylight.

5. What about the Vulpera inspired you to draw?
Well, I love tiny races. They’re just so cute… and especially if they have large ears and a tail!

6. What do you plan to name your Vulpera character, should they become playable?
My Vulpera will be named Mere in character, but I plan to race change my priest, Cutie into this character!

Please show Zeal your love!



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8.2 has a release date! This means we can finally set a date to start looking forward to news on 8.2.5


Tomorrow hopefully!!!

Out of curiosity, why tomorrow? Is something going on? o.o

No. During BfA, we usually got news on the next patch close to one month after the previous one launched.

So, end of July is the biggest possibility.

I miss the Legion patch cycle, in which the next patch usually hit the PTR one or two weeks after the previous one…


how come yall are flagging the high elf thread but not the vulpera thread?


What if the fox-like deity leapt underground during the war of the ancients, to escape the calamity? Or phased into the emerald dream where he sleeps? Perhaps there is an underground civilization of vulpera not yet discovered, or enslaved by black empire? I wonder if the vulpera existed during of after the possible wild fox-like demi-god was spotted?


Blizz said no high elves. They’ve said nothing of the sort about Vulpera.

So one is spam, one is feedback.


I see your point. But somehow I still feel that opinions vs feedback should be considered the same thing. Like blizzard back in the day said no gnome priests. Then we posted about it and now we have gnome priests :smiley:

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Derailing threads that have nothing to do with certain allied races is a form of trolling and extremely rude. I suggest keeping irrelevant topics out of here.

Back to Vulpera, since that’s what this thread is about. Do you guys favor the hyena as a racial mount or llama?


I agree the models I have seen look like a head and torso where you attach arms and legs it looks terrible. Hopefully they will be more like “Borg” type gnomes.

they said no classic also so…I don’t care about High elves personally but I don’t get salty because other people like to talk about them people need to stay in their lanes and chill.

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I hope we see this ancient fox soon for sure. I always have wanted to see a fox loa or wild god. Did trolls also descend from a wild god/loa? Do we know?

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Popping in to say that I hope the vulpera get added. I won’t play them, but it’d be cool to see these guys running around while I’m questing. Add even more variety to the world.