Vulpera Discussion Megathread

If Vulpera get added I’m changing my name to Bullwinkle, and hopefully I can find a Rocky


See, the thing is, Rocky was a flying squirrel. You would be better off getting yourself a pet. The Vulpera are nobody’s sidekick. They will bury you in the sand up to your neck and let the vultures pick your skull clean. :fox_face::skull_and_crossbones:


They might have been referencing Mechagnomes?

Nah it was definitely a casual confirm on Mah’gar as an AR, there’s been no info on the robots. I’m talking about last year’s I think! Er… two years ago I mean.



So I’d just like to post a warning here:

There is a chance, depending on what news comes out of the Q&A, that this thread and the forums in general could become quickly swamped with people who want to throw salt. If that happens, I’d like to urge everyone to remember the tone of discourse that has kept the Vulpera Megathread a happy place. I won’t be able to turn the tide myself, so it will be up to all of you to work together. Stay positive, debate the arguments, don’t get hostile, and recognize when it’s time to simply walk away from somebody who only wants to stir up trouble.

I hope I’m just being overly cautious that I feel the need to issue this warning, but it is here just in case.

Everybody keep your fingers crossed for foxy news.


San’layn salute You got my support as usual, Eevee. We’ll be behaved, and my snark will be not here. Best to not even respond to salt and trolls.


I really hope vulpera can be warlocks. I have the backstory of one turning to fel after their caravan got burned by the Alliance (aka me!)

Also like, it makes sense for vulpera to be warlocks because they’re scrappy and resourceful. Why not use demons and magic if it helps you survive?


That is probably a valid narrative they could use to make Warlock Vulpera. Personally though I feel like Vulpera would be too wary of something as obviously dangerous as Fel magic.


Fingers crossed for good news during the Q&A tomorrow.


I’m even more nervous about this than I was for blizzcon.

Please. Pleeeease I’ve been such a patient little fox fan T T


I’m crossing all the fingers I have!:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::slot_machine::pray:

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I wonder what they’re going to answer in the Q&A. To be candid i’m kind of pessimistic and don’t expect any news about Vulpera, or Sethrak. Maybe a hint at another set of allied races if we’re lucky.

There is a decent chance they’ll just say “Yes there’s new allied races in 8.2.5” and leave it at that. We’ll probably just have to let the dataminers pick apart the 8.2 ptr for confirmation what they are in that case.


Well, here’s to hoping they say something about Vulpera coming because WOW is almost dead to me now. Vulpera may be just what saves WOW for me.


Same here bud.


I’m basically bored with all the races and what not. I want something new and different. Not just different trolls, humans, or orcs.

I want Sethraks, Vulpera, Naga, etc.

I really want to play a Priest and a Rogue. But I’m specifically reserving those two classes for Vulpera (hoping they can be them).


I’m the same with sethrak…they have me excited the most and would really bring back a big flare for the game and make even the most mundane content exciting and fun~


I don’t really know if I can convey how much I want Vulpera made playable. I have already made characters (reserved names) and am ready to get leveling. Those Ally scum will pay for what they did to our caravans! :fox_face::skull_and_crossbones:


I want a confirm on those Vulpera so I can actually start making my mog, and perhaps have WoWhead fix the preview so I can wear my darn mask. Argh! Please Blizz!

I might not be able to mog my glasses–but I can send them to alts. So if/when Vulpera are in game… I’ll post a screenshot of mine in snazzy shades here.