Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

05/02/2018 10:29 AMPosted by Seije
once BFA's pathfinder is obtainable, i bet we'll find a floating island hidden somewhere in the sky with two vulpera fighting each other with laser guns and reflectors.

bonus points if they're dashing back and forth in the same place, or rapidly sliding back and forth creating puffs of smoke.

At first I thought you were making a funny joke, then I thought about and realized this is absolutely something Blizzard might do.
Throwing my support in for Vulpera. I'll play one if they become an AR!
I'd faction change my Hunter in an instant.
05/02/2018 10:29 AMPosted by Seije
once BFA's pathfinder is obtainable, i bet we'll find a floating island hidden somewhere in the sky with two vulpera fighting each other with laser guns and reflectors.

bonus points if they're dashing back and forth in the same place, or rapidly sliding back and forth creating puffs of smoke.

I think the more topical one would be if they give one a pet bunny, and have him idly wander Zul'dazar selling candies.
I'd just like to point out, the Vulpera are currently more compatible with player gear than the Kultiran humans.

Vulpera Gloves and Feet have mostly been adjusted to work - Kultirans have not - and their helmets are far too small. While Vulpera's mapping is still inaccurate, they currently fit much better.

The Vulpera also have more customization options.

Out of these two, one have been confirmed playable.
05/03/2018 09:45 AMPosted by Emmilia
I'd just like to point out, the Vulpera are currently more compatible with player gear than the Kultiran humans.

Vulpera Gloves and Feet have mostly been adjusted to work - Kultirans have not - and their helmets are far too small. While Vulpera's mapping is still inaccurate, they currently fit much better.

The Vulpera also have more customization options.

Out of these two, one have been confirmed playable.

Is it Vulpera!? =D

...Oh, boo.
05/02/2018 09:12 AMPosted by Furrywarr
I'm excited about the possibility of vulpaladin holy hyenas

Currently Vulpera classes are a little bit up in the air, we can probably assume based on the beta they will be Warriors, Hunters, Shamans and Rogues. Mages, Warlocks, monks and Priests are distinctly in the "Maybe" category. Death knights and Demon Hunters are basically a hard no. Druids seem unlikely as there's not a clue on the beta and no datamined Model. Paladins are... probably not. There have been a couple flags unearthed during datamining that are curious, but there are no hints in their culture that suggest they have a history with paladins.
I support Vulpera despite the anti-elf nonsense coming from some supporters. Would love to see them as a playable race.
05/03/2018 02:57 PMPosted by Eevee
05/02/2018 09:12 AMPosted by Furrywarr
I'm excited about the possibility of vulpaladin holy hyenas

Currently Vulpera classes are a little bit up in the air, we can probably assume based on the beta they will be Warriors, Hunters, Shamans and Rogues. Mages, Warlocks, monks and Priests are distinctly in the "Maybe" category. Death knights and Demon Hunters are basically a hard no. Druids seem unlikely as there's not a clue on the beta and no datamined Model. Paladins are... probably not. There have been a couple flags unearthed during datamining that are curious, but there are no hints in their culture that suggest they have a history with paladins.

Though if they are... Do you think we can get a holy caravan mount?

Or just have a caravan mount that can carry a transmog vulpera or some others?
If we get them I hope they can be shaman, paladin and monk.
If they're hunters, I bet their starting pet would be hyena. That probably was mentioned, but... yeah still.
# im hoping for is Rogue Monk and Mage. Im still iffy what ill main in bfa, since i will be taking break for while, depending if and when we get vulpera, which of those 3 classes thats a option i will narrow to when i come back and unlock.
Would adore a Vulpera rogue. Give me a little fox sneak please!
05/03/2018 05:59 PMPosted by Eriet
Would adore a Vulpera rogue. Give me a little fox sneak please!

I encourage this idea !!!
An excerpt from a recent interview:

Then we consider what's their natural tendency - are they likely to be more sympathetic to the Horde or the Alliance? - and then if we noticed a preponderance of really big, tough-looking races on one side or really charming, cool, cute-looking races on the other, then we try to do a little bit of a rebalance. Those profiles and those aesthetics are really important. We didn't want everyone on the Horde to look ugly, right?

It almost seems like he's talking about something in particular...

Full interview here:
So, who's the most likely figure to step in and recruit the vulpera so far?

The Horde player reports to Nathanos at the end of the Vol'dun storyline, right?
Ok two words.

Vulpera. Druid.
You know, I'm sort of hoping for vulpera paladins myself. They could come in through Sunwalker missionaries, but of course that'd immediately raise the question why they haven't reached out to their Highmountain cousins.

Would troll druids consider teaching vulpera?
Vulpera paladins? ... Ok fine I'd prolly roll one. My choice is:
Druid>Paladin> Hunter

Hunter if they can be neither of course.
I'm sure they'll get hunter at least. I just want them to have an oddball class somewhere in their lineup. I don't really think mage fits them, but I can see a case for warlock. Priest, if they got paladin, would only make sense.

But just imagine the holy hyenas!