Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

No thanks doesnt make sense

Begone, vile necromancer


Purple blood elves don’t make any sense. But behold, we have them.
Paladin trolls don’t make any sense. But behold, we see them.

Pandarens could not be Death Knights without a lore that allowed it.
But behold, now they can.

We even have Druid humans, because yes. :crazy_face:
So we could have druid vulperas for the same reason.

Druid Vulpes? Why not? If Blizzard creates a lore, there are druid vulperas.
Vulperas paladins? If trolls can be paladins 

How about worgen and goblins paladin and druid?

Vulpera druids still make less sense than those you mentioned
i can see worgen and goblins as paladins and druids but vulpera druids just doesnt make sense

dont necro


They’re eventually going to release all classes for all races whether you like it or not. Can’t wait for Vulpera Druids and Paladins!

I chuckle at the “don’t necro” followed by “4 years later”

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don’t necro

don’t necro

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