Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Yes. Pandaren were actually supposed to be the Alliance’s new race opposite the Horde’s Blood Elves in TBC, but at the end of the day the devs simply couldn’t justify a believable story reason for the Pandaren being a part of the Outland saga and swapped them out for the draenei at the eleventh hour.

When the Pandaren eventually did become playable, they went to both factions because they were central to the MoP story and thus the devs couldn’t justify giving them to one faction over the other…although I do remember hearing whispers that the Pandaren were (again) meant to be the Alliance’s race and the Naga were going to be the Horde’s race opposite them, but that’s all unsubstantiated.


I feel the same as in id love vulpera ASAP but dont really feel fair when compaired to mechgnomes. Alliance getting a gnome variant while horde get a completly new anthro race (I know they currently use the goblin rig but look nothing like them)

I feel that would reinforce the “horde bias” opinion that parts of the community share, plus giblins being a goblin variant to me makes more sense comparativly


Yes! You are right!

the only problem with the Gilblin is that they reuse an old model, there’s nothing that’s showing that they’ll be used at all for the current content.

This round is undoubtedly going to be Junker/Vulpera…so be ready for the alliance outrage :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s hope the last pairing makes up for it

  1. There was an HD Gilgoblin in one of the previews.
  2. Usually when models get updated(such as the goblin model updates) it extends to npcs within present areas.
  3. The Dark Irons npcs didn’t have an HD model before they became playable and when they did become playable, the new npcs in fact got the same treatment.
  4. Gilgoblin males have more animations than Vulpera males do.

Side by side comparison of the Gilgoblin male and Vulpera male animations. No reason to assume the Gilgoblin females won’t as well. This will effectively set them ahead of Vulpera models in terms of animation count.

…Why do Vulpera vs. Gilgoblin arguments need to pop up here too? It’s starting to get really old.


If the rumors of a Horde coup do end up being true, I want a frenzied Nisha to help lead the charge. She is someone that I would want on my side, and I’m sure her kill count will end up with several digits.

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Vulperas for horde… Sht Gnomes to ally, Tks blizzard <3


it just means whatever race(s) are more relevant in 8.3 and beyond will be the ones most likely of nabbing the AR slot for both factions~ We’ll have to wait and see what they might be~!

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As someone has said before, we are not in a race!
I do not care, if they put giants or ants in the game, before vulperas!
I just care that vulperas will be available to players!
It can be after 8.3 or 9.1!
I can wait!

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Sure, give them to the horde. We get fat people.

I kinda can’t wait. I need to be able to play a race that really interests me at this point. I don’t know how some people think gilgoblins are going to be playable as soon as they are introduced but I beg to differ. I don’t even really want to talk about gilgoblins. I want to play Vulpera. I think Blizzard needs to implement them while they are relevant and not give them the same treatment they gave the ARs of Legion. They need to quit holding out on every little thing that they know people want until they’re just so tired of caring that they don’t care anymore. :fox_face::triumph:


i feel the same way about sethrak. I’m getting tired of waiting, and at this point it’s looking like i may not resub at all for the rest of the expac because i’ve just given up on BfA delivering on anything else i want. I genuinely want a reason to come back, and as all the systems aren’t changing, it’s pretty much down to a race that i want to try RP with.


I hear ya. The game is not in a good place, as far as I’m concerned. Scaling and sharding have destroyed the game, imo. Scaling ruined the feel of progression and full raid groups picking off individual questers is not pvp. So many things need to change but I feel like playing a character I’m excited about could possibly keep me around a little longer while I wait for them to figure it out.


I wish it were so! But at least we have the beer vulpera to ward off the sadness of the silence and the wait!:fox_face::beer::ok_hand:

I understand! I really wanted them to just say, ‘Let’s have vulperas / sethraks! But we can not tell you when, folks!’
I’ve been waiting for the improvements in the worgen, having just ‘Soon ™’ as chilling!
And updates are coming, finally! Halleluyah!!!

Or say yes or say no or say you do not know! this exaggerated silence about something they know to be of great interest is distressing.

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Yeah they might want to think about changing the name of the company :joy:

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Phew, sorry for being absent, everyone. I just needed a little mental vacation.

Anyway, the Vulpera beerfest icon, while only a small tidbit, is certainly exciting! I hesitate to read TOO much into it, but I have to admit it’s difficult not to feel a little optimistic.

I’ll update the front page shortly.



That Brewfest icon is yet another heaping onto the ever-expanding pile of evidence that these adorable little furry fiends will become playable at some point.


Anyone stop to think that maybe Vulpera are not an Allied race? I mean they don’t fit what makes an Allied race an Allied race. They are actually a new race and I think perhaps being set up for the next expansion as a new race.