Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

What? Of course not! I totally meant Murlocs! Hordes of Murlocs against Hordes of Vulpera! The world couldn’t handle such a battle! :V

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I don’t think there would be any more than the other ARs, personally. I know there are a few that want gilgoblins but I honestly don’t see Blizz making aquatic races playable since 99% of the game is non-aquatic content.

Blizzard would be crazy to not make Vulpera an AR.


Well if you guys end up getting Vulpera, congratulations Eevee and the rest on your campaign. I remember your old thread from the “old” forums, which was pretty long too I believe.


Absoultly no one
Blizzard : " Lets through vulp away and put in those deformed trogs for horde "

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Ah, the good old forums. The ones that didnt hurt my computer. I miss that one.


The caravan has come so far on its journey


it hit a few road bumps. Had to trample over the corpse of a high elf thread >w>


I’m so excited for Vulpera. So Excited. :fox_face::+1:


Can’t contain my excitement!


Btw, I noticed this very ranishu-esque wormy

Perhaps the creatures of Voldun will have some part to play


MUST. TAME. IT!!! like seriously i want that thing on my Hunter team.

Well, I’m waiting for some in-depth model analysis (which Wowhead will surely provide) to drop the hammer, but I think the PTR so far seems to point out to vulpera and junker gnomes as the next allied races, as I have been predicting for some time.

Junker gnomes are able to equip gear and had their name listed in the “races” tab.

GIlblins and ankoan do not seem to have player quality.

And that Brewfest vulpera icon among many other allied races…

“But you said you were working on player feedback!”
“Well, you see, there was a lot of feedback requesting vulpera. We did listen!”
“But what about junker gnomes?”
“Ah, we wanted to try something new and cool.”


Aftre seeing some of the contents of the latest PTR, Im more convinced that vulpera will skip the AR slot and be made into a more traditional new race. Likely an expansion feature. Hoping to be paired with Sethrek.

Next ARs im betting on now are mechgnomes and giblins.


I have been feeling more like this might be a strong case in the Vulpera/Sethrak pairing. I would love it if it came true and I won’t get my hopes up until I get told a solid no or nothing is shown at the end of the expansion for my sneks :expressionless:


it would bum me out to have to wait that long for vulpera and sethrak, and i’d certainly skip the rest of BfA if this is the case…

But on the other hand, i will admit it’d be nice if they were both their own races instead of ARs, so that we got a bigger chunk of lore for them in the way of starting zones and whatnot.


Vulpera and mech-gnomes better be neutral races

Vulpera would be horde! They would not be neutral as pandarens!
Junkgnomes? Of course they will send them to the alliance, once the allied races are added, but not paired with vulperas!


They admitted with blizzard that having a neutral race was a regret and that it created so many issues with them. Originally, I believe, they were to be alliance based but they made them neutral (probably since they couldn’t figure out another race to pair up with them? I dunno…)

I’m not against the gnomes, to be honest, if anything I’d want them to be customization options more than anything