Fantastic! Looks like the popular AR threads are all making it through. I’m glad Blizz is letting these topics continue in their respective megathreads. San’layn is another fav of mine.
I would definitely not say unscathed, that formatting issue was a nightmare…
You all have been warned. Be careful, things can totally mess up
I’m pretty sure they all made it through, I’m bookmarking them as they appear.
So this, San’layn, Arakkoa, High Elf and Sethrak have I believe.
Okay, okay. Mildly scathed.
As someone who makes numerous typos as I type, the presence of an edit limit horrifies me.
Noted! I’ve noticed that it messes up for me sometimes as well when trying to post, asking if the body of my post is correct or something and not allowing my post to get through. It was only once though thankfully.
Big RIP… wellp. I can edit in 22 hours. Hopefully I don’t make a typo. >.>
So, uhm…is it bad I’ve never actually read the first post of any of the Megathreads?
make a Vulpera named Vulpix
Lorewise Vulpera going to Horde makes sense, but I hope they end up being Alliance
Edit limits? That sounds bad. I usually have to take two or three passes through my posts to weed out all the creative liberties my auto correct takes
Yes, because joining the faction that resorts to terrorism to prevent them from aiding the Horde and the Zandalari makes perfect sense.
Let me ask you all a Vulpera related question, one that was leaked from 8.1. So we know about the purge, right? So, let me ask you all then: What do you think spurs it on? Nothing was given from the beta, and the alliance wouldn’t just attack them out of the blue when the Vulpera have no interation with them at all. What do you think happens/happened that starts this whole thing? Do you think it might be linked to the sethrak in some way? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject and theories~
probably another one of blizzards “morally grey” design choices. no rhyme or reason… just because.
Blizz Dev #1 : Players are complaining that the horde are evil.
Blizz Dev #2 : Well lets make the alliance do something just as evil… why not have them genocide one of the races.
Blizz Dev #1 : Brilliant idea, but we cant have them genocide the horde races though.
Blizz Dev #2 : There are alliance players who want to play as Vulpera, lets make them genocide that race.
Blizz Dev #1 : Brilliant. Lets do that.
Welcome to Patch 8.#
but what if there WAS a reason? :3 I’m sure you can think of an interesting scenario that might lead to it~ ^^
Honestly, there are a lot of shifty things that have been happening since the pre-launch event. Look at when the Horde players made their way through Ashenvale and were instructed NOT to kill civilians, then the Alliance side goes through and sees that ALL of the Civilians have been killed.
Its been like this all expansion where something is going on behind the scenes. Personally, my thought on the matter…
yea, I think especially with the Shrine raid, I’m really wondering what’s going to go on around that…it’d be really interesting and cool if they tie in the vulpera and sethrak with the raid or the events that would lead up to the new area in 8.2…but I definitely feel like this is going to result in an old god focus in the end of the expansion for sure.
I think the alliance purge squads are a mix of three factors:
One, I think it’s something the alliance is intended not to see that helps sell the horde that alliance are jerks. In this way it’s just kind of a propaganda tool to make people like their own faction more.
Two, I think the Alliance probably doesn’t see the Vulpera as real people. Alliance tend to be pretty… Judgemental when it comes to interacting with races that don’t build castles and the probably don’t see exterminating the Vulpera any differently than purging kobolds. “You can’t reason with savages, just kill them”. Remember the alliance has never even spoken to Vulpera as far as we know.
Three, I’m also of the belief there are some actors in the alliance working against the interests of peace that we will learn more about soon
I can’t link the image because of trust levels.
But according to Nisha (or at least, her POV) the Alliance attack the Vulpera because they don’t want them working with the Horde. “The only thing these caravans were guilty of was accepting a good paying job of to transport supplies.”
So the Vulpera were actually hired for this job and are paid to do it.
They have been traders and merchants for “countless generations” and Nisha feels like the Alliance are trying to bully them into NOT accepting the jobs just because they don’t like the Horde.
the only thing that confuses me about #2 (which I don’t disagree on) is WHY? I mean…Anduin has been all about avoiding unnecessary deaths and casualties…so why go after a race that they’ve not even interacted with in the slightest? Yes the alliance can be very judgemental but then why wouldn’t they have been like that towards the Sethrak? I mean they had no idea of their level of development when they first rescued Vorrik, they could have easily have launched attacks at this beast-like tribe and left him there to die. All things said, I’m sure there’s really something happening under the scenes that we have no idea about.