Vulpera Celebration Thread! šŸ¦Š

Holstered hunter weapons and caster weapons clip something serious. However, I do not expect this to be fixed. Itā€™s a problem that most short races have and the vulpera in particular have large ears and a tail to add even more clipping fun.

Itā€™s a problem with no easy fix. The simple fact is that if you were 3 feet tall and asked to store a 6 foot stick or 4 foot gun on your person while not holding it, thereā€™s just no good way to do it. Any solution that even attempts to address the problem would also probably require custom anti-clipping animations for when the weapon is holstered. Itā€™s justā€¦ not worth the investment on their part.

Also, if weā€™re going to talk about anti-clipping, I demand first we get side-saddle animations for riding a mount while wearing a robe/dress.

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And while we are at it, I always found the tail holes in robes to be odd. In pants I fully understand because itā€™d be very uncomfortable otherwise.

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Ah, thanks. They should have the pictured finished in a week or two, I canā€™t wait.


Clipping will always be an issue, itā€™s true! But some at least could be reduced by having some equipped weapons, like bows, rest at an angle like guns and staves and some 2handers do.


This video I found shows the background for Vulpera on the character select screen:

It looks really beautiful. I look forward to seeing my Vulpera on my character select screen. :smiley:


I personally donā€™t regard Vulpera with the same sense of strength or chaos as other races of the Horde. To be frank, they are completely out of place. They look like something out of a childā€™s story. Definitely wouldnā€™t imagine seeing one on the battlefield. Iā€™d prefer a race with more similar character to Orcs, Trolls, Tauren or Undead. Mean looking menaces that display the appearance of toughness. There is a certain substance the Horde had that I feel is now lost. Just my opinion. What do you guys think?

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you dont have to look tough/deformed to be strong,really
vulpera are ex-slaves and the only race that was able to thrive in the harsh deserts of volā€™dun. I donā€™t see how this backstory this is any less valid than say,goblinā€™s or undeadā€™s

I can understand that theyā€™re not a monstrous ugly race which is what the horde is mostly made of,but if you can look past the obvious furry fanservice,vulpera are just another crafty,though race that survived despite the odds and wants a place to belong to


I think your right. Wind in the willows doesnā€™t scream or even whisper horde, but I guess it doesnā€™t really matter with the ā€˜hordeā€™ soon to become the purple puppet alliance.

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When the drawing is complete, in all its grandeur, share the final result with us again!


I disagree and wouldnā€™t prefer any of that. Variety is good. Iā€™m very happy weā€™re getting Vulpera over another orc, troll, or Tauren.

To me, the entire game looks like something out of a childrenā€™s story, and I donā€™t mind that one bit. Itā€™s the art style. I donā€™t take orcs seriously and never have, to me theyā€™re a lump of annoying and overdone.

My opinion on the matter is the whole mentality that the Horde has to be one specific way is what would make it way too boring and pointless to bother with. If people want those races, they can support and play them.

For others of us that like additions like Vulpera, Iā€™m glad weā€™ll soon get to play them. :fox_face:


And yet, we have blood elves in the horde, which are the most played race of the red faction! Owners of a civilization and culture opposed to the innate savagery and malevolence of the appearance of other horde races!
Warcraft broke the paradigm you suggest when cultured and refined elves allied with the Horde!

The horde has 2 races of educated elves, who built an empire!

Empires or kingdoms driven by magic do not seem to be very compatible with the brutality of trolls and orcs, or taurens and their reverence for nature and aversion to unnatural modes, forsaken and nihilist degradation or goblin greed!

And now we have a Zandalar empire, bringing a more regal atmosphere to the Horde structures!

And about vulperas looking like childish tales, all you have to do is see all the antics with Drustvarā€™s witches, similar to those of childrenā€™s tales, with silver needles, childrenā€™s songs and scarecrows!


To me the Vulpera suit the Horde better than some other races currently Horde-side do, like the elves.


Donā€™t the Vulpera use Goblin animations?

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The borrow a few goblin animations.

When they first launched on the PTR they used a lot of the goblin animations, now theyā€™ve had a lot of animation work to make them feel new and unique, they donā€™t even use the goblin skeleton exactly anymore.

Itā€™s was more like they got a transfusion from the goblins, and they went from there


They definitely use the goblin idle animations.

Yay! Today I hit Exalted with Voldunai. Now the wait for 8.3.


They have many unique animations now on the PTR.


those pawsā€¦


that tailā€¦


That boopable noseā€¦