Vulpera As Hunter Pets

Wish they’d make tamable Gnomes!

if you want to put a leash on me and keep me in a cage we have to get married first

Wouldn’t that be like slavery?

I’m not sure that the OP intended it to be like that. There’s been no real talk of anything forceful. Seems like, despite the questionable wording, things were intended to be wholesome in this thread.

i wanna say ‘i would’nt mind being the hunter-pet of a cute huntress!’ but then i remembered how some hunters just leave their pets in the stable… or let them just die as they run away from mobs… or never feed them…


I wasn’t replying to OP. I was replying to the guy who was talking about vulpera taming a vulpera lol.

edit: actually I guess it is the same even if another race tamed a vulpera

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RIGHT?! Ungrateful little so-and-so’s! I mean, they were enslaved once before by the Faithless Sethrak, so they should be used to taking orders by now…

That was oddly specific. You’ve already tried it…haven’t you?

You would definitely like the Vulpera allied Horde race.

I’ve tried milk combined with orange juice and orange juice after brushing teeth. I’ve never gone hard enough to try mixing all of that, nor should anyone.

Then in that case we should get Worgen back as hunter pets as well, cuz yeah least ye forget that was a thing until they decided to make Worgen playable. Turn about fair play.

Fair enough. Orange creamsicles are actually pretty tasty…a bit like orange sherbet…so the milk and orange juice combo doesn’t sound that bad. It was the toothpaste and carbonation part that made me go “hmwuh?”. :laughing:


I can imagine how dreadmoon would “Tame” someone…

poor blood elves…

I had to take it one step beyond. Figured such chaotic energy should taste like chaotic, fizzy wretchedness.

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Truthfully I kinda miss having a Worgen pet. They looked alot cooler then as well.

So basically you all are kind of like my JackChi , sounds like a normal day here at home

You’re going to encourage them to want us more… I’d hoped the infernal would’ve been enough of a deterrent.

Things could change :man_shrugging:

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Yes give us Vulpera pets Bliz. We just Love those beautiful Vulpera :heart: :two_hearts: :heartpulse: :heartbeat:

:laughing: You cant swing a Vulpera around by his tail without hitting 12 other Vulpera.