Vulpera adoption thread - we need good homes before its too late!

Gotta get that drug money somewhere!

How else do you think we keep our gators trained and fed? Our “exports.” :wink:

Florida Man approves. :+1:

Do vulpera taste like chicken?

At risk of not being adopted, I am going to expose something about the vulpera… We’re not actually foxes. We’re rats.

Ya, it is what it is. Does Donny Kawano sound delicious on a rotisserie to you?

That’s ok, I go every year and eat mickey mouse shaped ice cream and think about riding the tower of terror which I am still too scared to do. I’m glad to keep the floridians - wait… you don’t have an income tax??? google jobs in florida.

It’s what she would have wanted. Xe’ra always said sacrifice was the highest honor - and not to waste food.

Ohhhhhh. You live in Miami!

Rats don’t have lips. Or fur on their tails. Get rekt.

I live in the sticks. Ain’t a thing out here but farms and four wheelers.

You tourist types keep our state economy going. We have a 6% state sales tax, no state income tax, and a reasonable property tax. :wink:

Florida is one of the best states to live in, in my incredibly biased opinion.

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A state income tax. Federal taxes still apply. Texas doesn’t have state income tax either.

Donny Kawano pulls a tail-shaped-wig off of his pink, hairless rat tail.

It…it is what it is.

Donny Kawano backflips into his basement. He feels great shame.

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Funny that, federal income tax applies to every American… everywhere. Make money overseas? Guess what, Uncle Sam wants a piece of the pie.

Only money I ever made overseas was while I was deployed. 100% tax-free, baby. :sunglasses:

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I shed everywhere, and will cuddle with your significant other while making very clear eye contact with you, because I know exactly what I’m doing.
But I also make portals and food.

You make pizza?

And albino like myself! Sosho most certainly deserves a loving home.

Wait. Wait wait wait. Hold the space phone. Not even in Velen’s most absurd visions could I imagine this. Is what you’re telling me true >? You’re not just big foxes? Did I totally misunderstand the entire zone?

California has nothing but taxes. You don’t get paid so much as get an after tax living allowance that isn’t enough to actually live on.


Looks at my pay stub Everyone takes all my money, why do I even work!

LOL, but I’m the cute draenei, don’t you want to sleep on my lap and get behind the ear rubs? Plus, I live alone. I’m the crazy vulpera lady now :smiling_imp:

Maybe that’s why your state lays claim to 25% of the entire Union’s homeless population.

Could be worse. NYC has Federal, State, and City income taxes.

In all seriousness though, I genuinely don’t understand why people want to live in California unless they’re already wealthy as hell.

Sure, though I’ll admit my pasta dishes are better.

Not anymore you don’t, you diamond-hoofed goddess.

He’s so cute and his eyes don’t glow evily! I shall keep him and rename him to mr buttons.