Vsync not working

I recently updated to the latest driver/software for my R9380x and now vsync doesnt work … ANyone have a clue as to where I should look first?

Where are the AMD fanboys when you need them?

Does enabling triple buffering change anything? What about capping FPS to slightly above your monitor’s refresh rate? If you enable the FPS counter, is your FPS spiky or is it fairly even?

I haven’t booted into Windows to update drivers there in a while, but if I like I can give it a try and see if I can reproduce the issue with my 5700 XT or RX 560.

I’d be more than happy to accept your free gift of the more expensive competitors video card.

I found the issue. The new updated software has their version of vsync and I had to disable it. Thank you for the help.

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Sorry my friend, there’s still some people that don’t like some brands, But yes by default the new adrenalin drivers enable vsync on the adrenalin software, just disable it if needed and use in game settings if you like

I didn’t offer. I was bumping your post for you, so no need to be so sensitive. And I don’t buy AMD GPUs because of repeated past negative experiences, both with the hardware and drivers.