Voyaging Wilder Mount Update

Wowhead just released this article. In my opinion this mount is very lackluster. It still uses the shadowlands model and old cloud serpent skeleton and animations. I’m gonna help Blizzard out here. Just use this,

Shard of Umbrelskul - A crystal from the slain dragon Umbreskul. Staring deeply into it creates a war within you.

No saddles, no frills. You turn into a Dragonriding Umbreskul.

You’re welcome.


lol the new design is still a recolor of a SL mount, now just with longer horns.

The reward designers really never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity do they. The jellycat was a pretty good reward. This one sucks. Yours is a good idea but they’ll never.

They continue to just throw lackluster mounts at people for activities they need to engagement metric hack because they know +1ers don’t care.

Welp, I just lost interest.

“No longer a shadowlands recolor”? Just…a similar shadowlands recolor. Ah well, I dont feel any sadness at missing out on the Wilderling (since I don’t raid). Its kind of unimpressive.

The slight edits totally distort the teeth in the jaw. The mouth looks horrible… like the mount is eating stringy food. :confused:

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Fixing it might cause joy so we can’t get to it until Q4 '25

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I know the problem here because I’ve. Had it happen. A lot of times

Basically what’s happened is the tips of the lower teeth have been weighted to animate with the upper jaw and not the lower jaw. Its a super easy mistake to make (i have done this countless times), the thing is I usually play the animations before releasing things to catch it and fix it. Which, doesn’t seem to have happened here.

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It’s pretty surprising this got released like this, because you would think a quick glance at the face and you’d catch it very quickly.

Hopefully it gets fixed.

I would love this.

Frankly if they put a stone on the cash shop that turns any one mount you have into a transformation mount for $50, I will buy 10 of them.