Vote kicked at least 5 times so far

Yes that’s what they want now, but it could be extended to higher levels. Say they allow your alts to work with you in the follower dungeon. The simple dungeons would work the way follower dungeons work now but with your own alts.

But then for higher level, it might require more careful selection of your alts class, specialization and talents to complement each other.

Once you get into the lower M+ levels you might have the ability to select each alt’s play style from a style tree. At mid M+ levels you might add lua scripts and a simple API for each alt with messaging between them. It would be like writing an addon. At higher M+ levels you might have lua scripts controlling decision trees.

Doing this would require just as much work as learning to play in a group. Because of that players would deserve the rewards they get just as people do in regular dungeons.

And this would solve OP’s problem because groups of 3 or 4 who don’t want to bother with other players could add 1 or 2 alts while people always getting kicked could play alone with their own alts.

Not in WoW where the only rule seems to be not to get reported by enough people.

Now, you can make a rule against encouraging people to report for a non-violation, but guess what? I won’t report it.

having 4 characters not being controlled by players is not equivlent ever to haveing a group of five people. they will eithier be broken or horrible. no way will the ever have the scaling correct to justify this.

5 times…thats not a lot.

I’ve still yet to see a kick.

You didn’t read what I wrote. The player would be controlling all five characters as described above. If that’s the case, then it is equivelent to having multiple people.

Have you considered YOU might be the problem?

congrats you just created a turn based game. go play something else if thats what you want. in no way shape or form will that ever be able to be equivalent to m+.

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Eyyy, I miss multiboxing. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

sometimes i vote kick people just for playing vulpera

that’s valid. i support this.

Leveled 3 characters to 80 (so far) via dungeon spam and I’ve only seen two vote kicks.

Both times it was because a party member DC’d and didn’t come back after a few minutes.

I don’t get where/how OP and others like them is getting vote kicked so much - offline people or supremely rude people are the only times vote kicking is even considered in my experience.

It is not turn based. All that preparation happens before you enter the content. Once you do, it all happens in real time. Turn based is like chess, one person moves, then he/she waits while the other moves, then the first, then the other. Nothing in what I said even hints at such a system.

People that get repeatedly vote kicked get a cooldown from Blizzard and people can’t kick them anymore until an internal timer expires.

my guess your pulling extra stuff that should not be pulled or pulling before tank does. so ya you will always be kicked, Standing in stuff that can be avoided and dying yep youll be kicked bc your just trying to get a free ride, Get lost yep kick as well not hard to follow the group.

It’s not multiboxing. You play one account and the alt followers play following instructions you gave them before starting the

Hasn’t it also been made clear that there is no such thing as a false report because rule interpretation is subjective?

Boy I tell ya - if I am in new content, first thing I’ll do is greet the group and say its my first time. I recognize that the honesty route doesn’t always hold water in an MMO like WoW but more often than not I’ve found that people can be forgiving.

Mind you that is one scenario - I’ve seen some pretty ugly behaviors such as a high output dps v2k’ing a tank b/c the tank shuttled through long-to-kill voids that caused us to wipe, giving a harsh reason for the v2k. It failed, we re-grouped and finished the instance, the tank having been more mindful of pack-size implications.

I always love it when a tank announces this is their first time and they need to be told where to go.

I take the L, or debuff, and drop group.

I just don’t understand these people. Why would you take the navigator role without running the dungeons a few times?

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Well, they didn’t say 5 times in a row or in the same group. I just took it as so far, they’ve been kicked from dungeons at least 5 times since xpac launch.