I haven’t been kicked or seen anyone from any group I was in get kicked since starting the War Within.
It’s not a false ban if you’re kicking people for absolutely no reason, which is what I’m referring to.
I’ve done that before, you just leave out of embarrassment lol
No, it isn’t.
These don’t actually do anything, they’re just reminders to people.
they want follower dungeons to but completely entry level. so no by design it isnt going to be equal to even normals
No, it is, blizzards stance is any reason or no reason, the vote kick tool is to give you agency over your group in a random environment, kick all pandas from your group? Perfectly fine
You will receive a 1-2 week gag for it, I know because I used to be a jerk in comp. Calmed down since but there is a punishment for toxicity, something Blizzard has been cracking down on.
Yeah, but that’s not automated.
If only they would crack down on it on the forums. lol But yeah, they typically don’t mess around in game when it comes to conflicts between players.
I geared 4 toons in Heroics. I don’t have time to waste. My play time is limited. I’m not sitting there for 5 minutes waiting on a stranger who may or may not come back.
yes it is lol. they have clarified this on multiple occasions. they would have to be harrasing you in chat or calling you a slur in the reason for kick for them to actually do something about it.
The silence is automated, it’s been proven
It’s a 10-15 minute activity. 5 minutes is a little unreasonable.
There’s a temporary squelch that a GM comes along and removes if the player isn’t actually offending.
That’s not a 2 week silence.
but not the bans
Ok, following so far
So you only have 6 hours a day to play instead of 16 hours a day?
IMO be more kind to people.
I don’t get it either. Were you vote kicked at least five times or did you see others being vote kicked at least five times? Your title sounds like troll bait.
I’m sensing people are just jumping on a bandwagon at this point. I’d love for Blizz to pull out the numbers on how often people are kicked out of dungeons. I’m curious what it actually is.
Ok, for the new and uninitiated.
It’s called trolling.
It’s the current funsie thing to do in WoW as they are just normal and hero dungeons.
If you PUG then you ask for this.
Stop crying, nobody cares you got kicked, like literally nobody.
If you want to enjoy this game then join a damned guild already.
How many times do people need to read this before the light goes on?
Stop being scared of people, stop taking it personal, stop making threads about getting kicked and look for a guild already.
He came back in under 1 min. Before we could even initiate the add pull.
You can 3 man these dungeons and still get out. We had 4.
Blizzard can’t make you a better player if you refuse to reflect upon your mistakes.