Vortex - 2 Nights per week
Raid times: Wed and Sun 7pm-10pm AEST
Nerub-ar Palace 8/8M
Previous progression for last expansion: Amirdrassil 9/9M, Aberrus 9/9M, Vault 8/8M
Currently recruiting:
All Classes
Will consider players with the attitude to push content
We’re a fairly good bunch who have managed to finish tiers, with a lighter raiding schedule and a fairly relaxed raiding environment. If you want the minimal hours with efficient results, then we’d love to get to know you! Our goal is to get CE before the next tier.
As an applicant and to be continued as a raider, we require you to be researched on fights as we approach them, have near to 90% attendance for raids, a want to be able to push progression within the limited raid time we have and of course, be able to work to play your class to the best of your ability.
Applications are best directed to Randomno#1372 or Dani#1763.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Have a great day