Voress'thalik won't spawn

I am on the quest “Devastation Below” as part of the Townlong Steppes quest chain from of Mists of Pandaria expansion, and Voress’thalik’s corpse won’t respawn. May have accidentally moon-fired him too hard in the previous quest and now he isn’t spawning. [The character on the quest is Inspiration-Uldum]


I have recently had an issue with this quest. Hit with the gun, it fell to the floor below. Then used the buff to cliff jump as standard and voress’thalik is dead when I get there.
No other players about and voress’thalik doesn’t respawn.

Same issue. I’ve waited around 30 minutes, logged, and abandoned the quest but Voress’thalik won’t respawn.

I had the same issue. I had to go back to Ogrimmar, Turn On/Off war mode to get on a new shard then go back to Pandaria for Voress’thalik to spawn. Hope that helps.


didnt work for me any other suggestions?

Had to opt in/out twice but this worked. Thank you! <3

Try again after weekly reset?

Hi im having the same issue and i can´t resolve it, i tried opening a ticket and still havent been able to complete this quest. already tried everything else still bugged.

Ok so if your having trouble with this quest dont lose it like i did. be patient, if nothing is working for you wait for the weekly reset and activate warmode the npc will apear to you. thankz blizz. if this still dont resolve the issue try contacting suport.

Not really sure how having to go through this to finish a quest is considered “fixing it”

Happening in MOP remix now too and you cannot turn WM on in MOP remix. You can do /pvp but that is not the same and does nothing.

One person said the solution is to hold the quest, do every other quest in the zone, and then come back drop the quest start it again and you will be in a phase that works. I have not tried this yet.


-Update- I qued for lfr while waiting for Voress’thalik to spawn and he was up and walking around when I exited the completed LFR.


I could only do this because some nice person listed his/her shard in LFG. It’s still bugged, I was checking and rechecking for hours

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I’ve been unable to progress past this quest on three characters now. (in remix)

would be super nice if blizz would fix this.


Nope in my case quest giver and mob are not there but I have 5 of 5 under townlong steppes I have the completion but it’s white in my campaign log