Voodoo Feathers (SOD)

There is a huge problem with the warrior class quest ‘Voodoo Feathers’ which requires running around a large room to collect a feather off the 6 troll corpses from the 3rd boss in Sunken Temple raid.

In my raid, all 3 warriors were left holding 5 of 6 feathers, unable to complete the quest. The final troll corpse containing the last Amber Voodoo Feather despawned. The other 5 troll corpses we had already looted were still sitting on the ground.

The 4th encounter starting in this room also complicates things further because there is a very high likelihood of triggering that encounter trying to round up the 6 feathers, causing a raid wipe, and a long run back where all unlooted feathers would despawn.

This needs to be changed ASAP! Either the corpses should not despawn like that…especially if they are unlooted, and the next boss encounter needs to trigger on an object that the player purposefully interacts with. This is bad game design all around and only serves to frustrate players and deny power increases from quest rewards when the player did the leg work already and killed the boss!

Also, your in-game support tickets are useless.


after the frustrations in gnomer, with a boss spawning on top of you after menagerie, you’d think blizz would have learned maybe not to do that?
Same problem here, it’s gonna be a while before i get my flask

I honestly don’t know if they are capable of learning simple lessons like that.

The fact it has not been addressed up to this point is concerning. They honestly owe every warrior that killed 3rd boss quest completion, but they would never do that.

Bad design for the sake of ‘surprise and excitement’ which ultimately only leads to disappointment, anger, and guild drama because I’m sure plenty of warriors at this point would intentionally wipe a raid to get quest credit.

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I was only able to get one of the feathers haha. They got all spread out in the room and I couldn’t get close enough to grab them in fear of pulling the next boss. I’m pretty frustrated about it considering it’s a one week reset and you have to loot the feathers while you’re killing the bosses.

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just did sunken temple last night having the same problem. someone pulled the next boss and I could only get 3 corpse. kinda stupid they despawn with quest items when the next boss starts basically immediately

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I finally got it last run. Make sure not to fight the trolls in the center circle. as long as nobody steps inside of it, the next boss won’t trigger.
It shouldn’t be that hard, but blizzard doesn’t care enough to change