Voodoo Dolls

I guess you can read that part at least, so maybe all hope isn’t lost, but I guess you still can’t read or else you would know why I deleted my original post. :joy: :joy:

I was raised right though, so I’m going to leave you alone after this post. It’s not nice to pick on someone with a disability.

Why is there even a class restriction on dolls. It makes no sense.

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If people are willing to pay a price for an item then that is what the item is worth. Pay the fine and move on. Also what is the point of an ALLTIME including inactive player count? How about you link a horde only graph of active players and then you will have a better IDEA of how many shamans are currently playing.

Shamans also have 4 different enchants to choose… unlike a hunter that has 2. The more gear sets you have the more dolls you will need. Supply and demand bud l2p. I pay 15g for my hunter doll and my druid doll is 150g the cost of doin business. Instead of crying on the forum go make some gold.

brother, I hate to break it to you, but just because someone is willing to pay high price for an item, doesn’t mean its worth that much. People get ripped off and scammed all the time. I have about 10k gold right now, I could probably buy every doll off the auction house, but I refuse to. We are literally suffering from world record inflation, do you defend that too? Just because people are willing to pay 2x the amount for groceries because they are desperate, does not mean groceries are worth that much. It comes down to 2 things; greedy greedy people and blizzards lack of oversight. I get it, you dont play a shaman, so it doesnt concern you, so do me a favor and shut up and go pay 10g for your doll while I advocate for my class. Thanks troll.

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An item is worth what anyone is willing to pay for it… That is how it works.

A sucker is born every day.

Welcome to capitalism bud. Enjoy your stay.

10k gold but can’t afford a doll. likely story bud. My boy Kylebrojin is playing from his yacht laughing at you right now lmao.

heh look at this bum crying about gold on a 20 yr old video game. My boy GSK here called me while i was out charting on my dads yacht drinking 50 yr old Pinot noir. Typical bum gamer dads upset about having to actually play the game to afford things. Looks like ill be seeing you in the searing george doing dailies and ganking you like i did that bum warlock in AV. Heh these bums.

absolutely false. People commit fraud all the time by overvaluing their assets and using it to secure loans. I’m pretty sure we just had a national court case about this very same thing. I know people like you like to repeat buzz phrases you’ve heard before but this one is old and outdated bud. Get with the times :slight_smile:

yea and good times create bad men and you are living proof of this. you are here defending senseless greed which just goes to show you dont actually understand the true value of things.

ok, and? We have laws in our country that are supposed to prevent this type of thing. We have lawmakers dedicated to this. Thats what our tax dollars are supposed to go to. Just like how my monthly sub is supposed to go to developing this game and creating a somewhat of a fair play experience

You just crapped on yourself with your own statement bud. 10k implies i can afford a doll, but refuse to be victim of price gouging. Wealthy people tend to be tight fisted and have very similar spending habits, hence why they are wealthy. But go ahead and tell us all about capitalism when you likely dont make more than 50k a year lol. keep defending those corporate greedsters!!!

If I list a 10 year old cell phone for 500 dollars on ebay and someone buys it. Then it was worth 500 to that person. Idk what to tell you. It’s not fraud it’s just a ripoff and it’s not illegal.

I mean would you prefer to go back to being a nomadic tribesmen and just get raided killed and looted instead?

Dood nah it implies your a BUM. Rich people get what they want and don’t cry about it. Ask my boy Kylebrojin. He can send you pics of his new yellow Ferrari, license plate SUNBEAM. heh bum.

Same thing with pallys all dolls are like 10-20g pallys well over 200g

Seriously, i think half of horde is a shaman. We literally dont have mages, lol.

It’s because the dolls are also used to make class trinkets, each doll coded to only make a specific trinket. There are two main solutions to the problem - instead of the items being class-specific and crafting the class trinkets, have them be universal and turn in to a vendor, or add a vendor that allows you to swap one classes’ voodoo doll for your own.

As things stand, price disparities will naturally arise due to supply and demand.