Volume of Tier 4 token pieces

I agree that people are crying about getting their tier a bit much. That being said, you rolled a class with tailoring options available. I know my tank would love to get some tier.

It’s still fine, SSC will be manageable without everyone in full tier.

Do you really need 4 piece though? 2 piece seems ok, 4 piece… not so much.

No, I agree with you. I’m just saying that the value of tier really depends on the class. I don’t know much about casters, but the way I understand it many of them don’t really value tier pieces over tailoring at all.

I’d love to have full T4 but it’s not a make or break issue. Between crafted gear, trash drops, non-tier boss drops, and PvP gear there’s plenty of options.

Just release the next phase and all will be well. I think the complaint many have is boredom, not lack of gear.

doesnt matter if ppl dont need tier set or ppl will gear too fast for ur tasting
fact is: https://youtu.be/QMNWn5RAays?t=599

i meant 2pc, its a straight 20% dmg increase

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Yeap and getting 2 pieces of tier shouldn’t be that hard. You don’t need all 5 pieces and can live without 4 piece for awhile comparatively.

We’ve only seen 1 Rogue token off Mag, killed him now I think 7-8 times. FeelsBadMan. Time to just skip T4 and go straight to T5! Heck I only have 1/5 T4 atm. Bad luck on drops and rolls so far. At least the non tier pieces for rogue are actually good so it doesn’t really matter.

2 piece is actually insane for rogues, makes your rotation flow so much easier and while it’s not a huge mathmatical dps upgrades the ability to set a 30+ second SND and get into your rotation is huge.

I agree the tokens drastically speed the gearing because it’s not “this week in MC” where we gear yet another Druid into full epics in a single run.

yeah but it was the same with any class . I can remember a hunter going 8/8 in a single week, a rogue going 6/8, I went 5/8 for my offspec + tier 2 pants.

It will happen down the road, just not while silly people fixate on gear they don’t actually need.

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But my character doesn’t look cool if he’s just wearing 2 pieces!! :pouting_cat:

Yeah I feel you man, 2 set T4 is my BiS until BT and I’m yet to get 1-piece. Should have been 2 tokens per week considering the content is being progressed faster/for a shorter period of time.

This is completely being. T5 was released at release.

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SSC and Tk were not artificially time gated

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Im in a chill guild clearing all raids while having FUN comms so getting tier is the least of my concern, im just enjoying the game and people just like how it was for me back then.

And it was a conscious decision for me to not be hardcore anymore for TBC because I knew Id be annoyed and bored REAL quick.

You get 1 token per 10 people in Karazhan, but 1 token per 25 people in Gruul/Mag. The token rate is currently lower than in vanilla(2 tokens per 40 people vs 2 tokens per 50).

In order to match droprates for the T4 head/gloves with the other pieces, it would require Curator/Prince Malch to have a 40% chance to drop a tier token.

Even if they upped Gruul’s/Mag to two tokens, it would still be fewer T4 tokens than Kara per week.

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