<Voljins Oath> [H] (Stonemaul) New Guild Recruiting for Shadowlands

Voljins Oath Is a new guild on Stonemaul (connected to: Sen’jin, Quel’dorei, Boulderfirst, Bloodscalp, Dunemaul and Maiev) recruiting new and returning players for Shadowlands.

  • (Being a new guild our achievements as well as unlocks are still on the low side. While i understand this may be a deterrent for some I hope that players that have yet to achieve/participate in Guild Achievements/Epic Quests look to this as an opportunity to experience them alongside fellow new players.)
  • Our aim is to be a Social/Raiding guild while still providing members with constant events stretching from PvE to PvP. Be it mount farming, grinding for Gladiator, or finishing the most recent Raid in Mythic we hope that everyone will find a place here.

While we are still a relatively new/small group we are looking to jump straight into Shadowlands with Mythic Dungeons, PvP and Raiding.

Currently we are recruiting all roles and our Raid schedule is TBD.
-Looking for a Raid Leader!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Guild Master: Blizzard ID: Hlidskjalf#11706, or message Vörðr in game.

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Currently Leveling Alt Accounts with new members. Still recruiting as well!

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Guild Mythic + Runs going on right now. New or Returning players welcome. Message Blizzard ID: Hlidskjalf#11706, or message Vörðr in game. Recruiting!

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Sent you a Blizz ID add. I have a main guild that most of my toons will stay in, been around since Vanilla. But they aren’t planning to raid this expansion. Looking for a guild to take a toon to main/raid for Shadowlands. Would like to chat you up about the type of guild you have.