Voldun World Quest Sandfishing Not Appearing

The world quest “Sandfishing” has not appear in an excessive amount of time (over a month), preventing the completion of the meta achievement added with the last patch if you had not done it months ago. Please update the rotation so world quests needed for achievements do not remain dormant for weeks and weeks on end, the challenge should be with accomplishing the task, not how long you can wait for it. Not everyone can log in every day to check a world quest that only spawns once every few months for a brief period.


A friend and I have been religiously checking it every single day every few hours for over 40 days and it has NOT spawned. It’s ridiculous that we have to keep checking every time the WQ changes over. The last time I heard it was up was in November. I’m beginning to think that Blizz did this on purpose. Ashes didn’t even take this long to get!

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It’s closer to 50 days now. Chromie also has not shown up on mechagon for more than 40 days. this is extremely sad and disappointing. the Shadowlands meta was a grind, but at least the quests popped up in a reasonable time frame.

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Sadly, this is most likely NOT a bug.

This is more emblematic of Blizzards design tendency towards wankery.

It’s not enough that you spent many hours of your time completing the 159 OTHER achievements for the mount. NOW you have to log in every day (sorry if you have an outside life) in the tiny hope that you catch the ONE DAY out of months that this might actually be available.

If you miss it? Well… hope you didn’t have any plans for the summer.

And remember, this FOMO nightmare was brought to you by Blizzard, the company that “respects player time”. Yeah, RIGHT.

I understand I’m coming on quite bitter and angry. But I’ve also been through this twice before. I did “Back from Beyond” and “A World Awoken” - completion on both of those were held up for MONTHS by bugs Blizzard utterly refused to fix until TWW’s release. Despite having touted both of those achievements, as a GREAT way to pass the time between expacs.

So this situation is regrettably par for the crappy course, to me.

I’m assuming they’ll go to Legion after this, so it might be prudent to figure which events go MONTHS and MONTHS between repetition. Because they will CERTAINLY be required.

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Yeah, still NOTHING. It’s utter nonsense. But you’re right, Blizz will inevitability do other meta achievements, start doing them now. Don’t worry, the WQ will be up in time for BFA Classic at this rate.

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